
very disappointed in the message- such a farfetched & contrived circumstance of his daughter's death. *SPOILER* the 1st scenario of being gunned down by the street thug is 10 times more likely than the off-the-wall tableau as it plays out in the parents' house. Even after showing us *SPOILER* how the woman who was kidnapped (locked in the car trunk) saved herself with the gun, the heavyhanded message of the movie is that guns kill people. They don't. The other message is that guns kill more people in the home by accident than defend against intruders. They don't. In the process of going for the surprise, Jacobs took the easy way out with the message that guns are bad. They ain't. The cliche is never more true; guns don't kill people; people do. In this case *SPOILER* a foolish old man haunted by the demons of his wartime experience where he wasn't quick enough on the trigger to save his buddy's life, overcompensates and causes another loved one's death. In truth, guns are tools. No more dangerous than cars or chainsaws. If abused, like anything else, they can hurt. But the anti-gun message *SPOILER* ('don't keep one in the house or you'll kill a loved one') is old as the family's house and just as out-of-date. Responsible people don't shoot 1st & identify intruders later.


*SPOILER* And anyone who'd mistake the beautiful Virginia Madsen for a MALE intruder would be too foggy-eyed to shoot straight too!


Excellent post, OP. I agree 100%. I am soooo sick of this pseudo-concern the government is doling out about gun control. They pretend its 'for our own good'.
BS! Its all about gun control all right, they want the control.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


Bravo for your spot on observation! The anti gun statement at the end of the movie really annoyed the hell out of me also, when the mummy granddad says the gun that killed you sits in my draw. Like there where no laws restricting a retard from getting a unregistered gun back after killing a family member! Horse *beep*


Awww did you lose your gunboner for a few minutes?
