MovieChat Forums > Cheaters (2000) Discussion > No way this show is fake

No way this show is fake

With all the crying and emotions these folks put Meryl Streep to shame. Absolutely not the kind of talent you find lying around in Dallas Texas, thats for sure.


It's not fake, if it is most of these people should get Oscars.



durr most apartment complexes look the same...

The worst day is the one in which we have not laughed.



As a licensed PI, I assure you it is fake. You can not storm into a person's apartment or hotel room with cameras legally. And come on, clowns having sex. It is so fake. There is no such thing as reality TV. It is all staged. Grow up


That depends. If you watch Cheaters, you'll notice a lot of these incidents take place at the apartment the client lives in. If the client lives in that very apartment, then are you saying they cannot storm their own apartment with cameras legally?

I think not.


also a lie

yes you CAN storm into a persons apartment, espeically when the person who lives there is the CLIENT!! idiot....

the times they storm into hotels is fair enough, because normally security or the police show up and arrest joey...

you're not a PI, maybe a P-doe... but not a PI


All the filming is shown so blurry in the parking lots it's impossible to tell what kind of cars they are, and the night shots don't show color.

Is the show still doing new stuff, or is everything reruns now?



have you done it yet? im waiting for your proof to show its all fake....



right well dont say you're going to do it and then claim you have better things to do , idiot.


My roommate was paid to appear on the show. It's FAKE.


I find it hard to believe producers can run a show like this for over eight years and get away with phony episodes...

I can see a few seasons maybe, but like Cheaters themselves, if you lie, you will eventually get caught...

These guys are going strong for too long for the show to be all phony... I suspect many of the episodes are legit.


> These guys are going strong for too long for the show to be all phony... I suspect many of the episodes are legit.

Well, that's the thing. I suspect that maybe only about 60% of this show is real. Yeah, a woman calls them up and suspects that her man is cheating. They do a little investigating and he probably is. But, they don't have enough good footage. So, they enhance it by paying a young lady to enter the picture or, heck, paying the couple to ham it up.

The thing that kind of annoys me is the small print at the end that indicates that this is a for-profit business. You call them up and pay for an investigation. If your story is interesting enough to make it on TV, they'll waive your fee.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


I did see a cheated-on young lady suing another boyfriend on Judge Judy for scatching her car,who knows, maybe she's just unlucky


that's a lie...

prove it by showing us the episode and then get your roommate to show her face on camera admiting it... then put it both onto youtube...


In what Season and Episode? I would like to see that.


Who cares? It's hilarious.

Snakes. Why'd it have to be snakes?


Yes It's FAKE, I watched an interview on Inside Edition I think, I was so disappointed because I have been cheated on, and it hurts and I thought truly a true show to help the ones that was cheated on. Anything for money I guess, I have stopped watching it, it makes us the ones who have been cheated on look more like a fool.


This show is faker than Jerry Springer right down to the new host who looks like he's acting just talking to the camera


not sure if anyone still thinks this show is real, but i can guarantee you it is not. in any way. i was on the show, season 14 episode 12. i have also had multiple friends be on it


Some of the segments are real and some are staged and its not to hard to figure that out.

Look at some of the segments some have a very natural flow if dialogue between the people and other times its like they're searching for something to say, but don't know quite what to say.


Some of the segments are real and some are staged and its not to hard to figure that out.

Exactly. Like all reality shows, some of it's real and some of it's staged.

But you knew for years that Greco, one day, was going to get hurt.


The most profound of sin is tragedy unremembered.


> With all the crying and emotions these folks put Meryl Streep to shame.

Unfortunately, the big indication that this show is all-fake or mostly-fake is the fact that all the main players in an episode have their face unblurred. That means that they signed a release allowing their face to be shown. To allow such an embarrassing display to be shown on TV, they would have to be paid a lot of money.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


I don't think it's completely fake. Some episodes are genuine while others are definitely staged. I think the real ones are those when we later hear from the participants (the post-episode interviews) about it changed their lives.

Just my thought.

Some of the others, however, I could swear I've seen some of the participants in other episodes or even in other TV shows or commercials.



I completely agree. As far as recognizing some of the participants, they are hired actors.

Eat some makeup because you are really ugly on the inside - Olivia Blois Sharpe
