
I enjoy listening to Gibson talk about his books and life in general, but I didn't think there was much of interest as far as the documentary goes If anything, the visual "tricks" on constant display while he talks are tedious and distracting. The opening credits are such a mess that I considered shutting it off, assuming the rest of it was going to be more of the same. Probably best "viewed" with headphones and the tv turned off.


I agree. I wonder if there's any way to get at the footage without the ridiculous visual crap happening in the window of the car (and otherwise) that just hurt my head and distracted me from Gibson's musings.

If anyone knows of a way of seeing the original unedited footage, please let us know. :)


Not exactly unedited footage, but you could always rip the audio from the DVD to mp3 format. Here's a free program that will allow you to do that: rter.htm
You could then download the (again, free) Audacity program to edit the mp3, taking out silences, credits, ect.
Probably a little time-consuming, but might be worth it if you want to "watch" it again, sans silly visual distractions.

The real trick to life is not to be in the know, but to be in the mystery. -Fred Alan Wolf


wow, big fans here. lol

grrr arg


The first 5 minutes are terrible. Fortunately, the other 85 minutes are fine.
