MovieChat Forums > The Hunted (2003) Discussion > Knives flying straight

Knives flying straight

I liked this movie, but how exactly do you have to throw a knife for it to stay completely straight while flying through the air? it doesn't make sense to me.

"He'll be stronger than Hercules and Gumbo combined."


With great difficulty. Youtube it and your are bound to find some vids with knife throwing demonstrating throws that don't spin. My guess would be that it takes a whole lot of skill, an underhand throwing style and a specially weighted knife.




i don't know about making it not flip at all, but experts say that if you throw a knife properly, it should only flip once for every 10 feet between you and the target, not a million times like in the movies.

my revenge on you will not kill you. it will make you want to kill yourself.


Ive heard of special knives are weighted so when you throw it the blade goes straight and flat, but i dont know for sure


it's like throwing a knuckleball

Click Here for nothing




Look up "No-spin knife throwing".

Imagine that.
