the rules, tips and advice

hey can anyone remember tips, rules or advice from the movie me n my friends loved the movie so for fun were gonna try the rules out as we all are single n are hoping to get bf's in the near future lol. thnx so much .


Do you really want to follow stupid advice and stupid games from a stupid movie? My advice is not to. Besides, did they not backfire?


try using the rules and you will stay single lol..


Rule #1..Make sure you are as fit/attractive as you can possibly be.

That is all.


Rule #2: Know when to keep your mouth shut and don't be calling him all the gwad damn time.. Make him miss you a little.. (Pretend you have a life outside of him)

Rule #3: Always be freaky in bed...

Rule #4: Never ask to read his email, check his phone, or demand you are on his facebook.

Rule #5: Never ask him to compare you to a real life chick you know is hotter than you, nothing good will come from it. (If he says no, you wont believe him, if he says yes, you catch an attitude)

This is for Allah... and it's going way out there sucka...


The only rules, tips, advice you need to have a successful relationship is to be honest, resolve conflict, and work on good and open communication. From there all the rest will come. Game playing is childish and never works out in the end.
