MovieChat Forums > City by the Sea (2002) Discussion > One of the most obnoxiously edited movie...

One of the most obnoxiously edited movies I've ever seen.

It was so unbearable I couldn't even focus on the movie or plot.

Allow me to summarize this movie for anyone who hasn't seen it: Every scene lasts about 5 annoying seconds longer than it needs to, followed by a predictable terribly edited slow fade to a boring scene of run down buildings for zero reason at all, which then in turn also lasts about 5 seconds longer than it needs to (not that it needs to exist at all), which then of course fades into the next awful scene which starts the cycle over again.

At least a good 10% of this horrendous movie was spent looking at nothing but stupid run down buildings, and another 10% was spent on wasted time at the end of scenes and slow fades from one scene to the next where literally nothing is happening at all.

You ever watch a video in high school made by one of your peers, and they've done the best to edit it with "fancy" video editing tools, but because they're amateurs using crappy programs they actually ruin their video by adding far too many crappy scene transition effects? Yeah, that's this movie.


you like crappy action movies so don't watch real movies, that's it.


Man you're clever. I've never seen a response on IMDB like this before. Truly original indeed!

Why don't you take a look at my movie ratings since you're so sure though, ok troll?


i have to admit i didn't understand a word from your post, it's poorly edited.


I see. At least you freely admit you don't understand written English because you're a bumbling idiot. Please, carry on.

Oh, and you might want to edit that first response of yours, it doesn't make very much sense.


english isn't my mother language but i rarely have difficulties like with your crap.
