MovieChat Forums > The Time Machine (2002) Discussion > H. G. Wells is spinning in his grave

H. G. Wells is spinning in his grave

I'm sorry people of brown races, and this is not meant to degrade your races, but remaking this film (which was perfect the first time) was ridiculous and makes a mockery of what Wells wrote. He made it perfectly clear that the Eloi were fair-skinned, blonde and light-eyed. And those of you who presume me to be a racist? Go scratch your collective a$$es, I am not a racist by any stretch of your imagination and, if you had the privilege of personally knowing me, you would know this to be a fact. But, getting back to this b.s., the very notion that the future of humankind is "all brown" is ludicrous; the unfortunate reality is there will always be white, blonde, light-eyed people that find procreating with black and hispanic people undesirable and have a definite interest in preserving those physical qualities. I don't know where the assumption that black domination is the future of the human race came from but it's ridiculous. Physically and socioeconomically. It's the constant waving of the race card, coupled with the unfortunate yet predominantly true stereotype that black women deliberately have unprotected sex, have babies by multiple absentee "fathers" for a living and think the white people owe them something because of slavery they never experienced and slaves I never owned. I'm tired of it and I'm tired of paying for it. You want racism to stop? Clean up your own affairs and stop perpetuating the all too true stereotype. It exists because it's true. Don't like it? Too bad. It's up to YOU to change it. The white folk are getting sick of it and if you think we're going to keep putting up with your b.s., YOUR anti-White antics, crime and violence, your b.s. race card accusations and that tax-evading, big-mouthed racist Sharpton, you seriously have another think coming. Bottom line: Wells wrote the Eloi as white. This film is racist, blasphemous trash.

Now bring on the racist accusations that I'm sure you're dying to unleash. Please know I have an answer to shut down any non-argument YOU racists will have.


I can't believe I'm even responding to this tripe. Nonetheless, here goes:

While, yes, H. G. Wells said the Eloi are essentially white (being the descendants of upper-class Englishmen), he also said they were four feet tall. Are you upset Simon Wells couldn't find any four-foot-tall,blue-eyed blondes to play Eloi?

The physical appearance of the Eloi in this film really doesn't bother me simply because it has no bearing at all on the story. Simon Wells hired non-white actors to play them. What of it? Realistically the Heliumites and Zodangans in the massive 2012 flop John Carter should be played by Amerindians (since in the source novel, Edgar Rice Burroughs explicitly states they look like Amerindians despite being Martians). Given your race-based outrage over Simon Wells' casting choices, you should logically be equally furious to see white actors playing roles best filled by Indians.

More to the point, the rest of your rant has nothing to do with this freaking film. The casting was the least concerning thing about the 2002 Time Machine. The muddled plot and bastardized storyline would be the reason H. G. Wells is spinning in his grave because of this film. Simon Wells clearly didn't understand his ancestor's story and turned it into an emoting, vapid flick appealing to hipsters rather than the subtle commentary on the bleakness of humanity the novel is.

By the way, in the book, the Eloi are the pathetic descendants of the pampered British upper classes who've lost all ability to care for themselves. The Morlocks are the descendants of the British working class, having turned the tables on their former masters by robbing the Eloi of any and all ability at self-sufficience and made the Eloi their primary food source. Those particular political overtones should make you hate the book if the rest of your post is any indication. (Although I enjoy the novel, I disagree strongly with Wells' staunch socialist views as presented in this book, though I note and accept their presence in his work.)

Beyond that, all of your discussion of the race card, demeaning of black mothers, and oblique mention of slavery reparations have no place here. The Time Machine (2002) is a vapid, poorly directed popcorn flick lacking any discernible political statement unlike its source story. You tip your own race-obsessed hand with this puerile rant and your attendant outrage over casting choices. I see literally no reason to savage those of mixed or non-white ancestry simply because Simon Wells cast Samantha Mumba as the female lead in a film adaptation of H. G. Wells' famous story.

Requiescat in pace, Krystle Papile. I'll always miss you.



NOTHING you said negates the all too true reality of the stereotype that exists for a reason: black 'mothers' have babies 'for a living' and I have to to pay for it. Sure 'Black Lives Matter'. But when *I* am the one paying your rent, feeding your kid, and funding your sex life that will produce another kid that will reproduce the exact same cycle and puts a gun in one of the hands of those bastards you created SOLELY for the money *I* EARN while you sit on your fat ass and pump out yet ANOTHER 'fatherless' unit?

So you are saying that only blacks leech off the system? Here's the welfare demographics you fkn azzhole:

Now who's the moron?

My Vote history:


You're an idiot.


Hmm, no,I have it on great authority that YOU are, in fact classified as an imbecilic moron. But you have a good day in Retard Land. Idiot.




Hmm, no,I have it on great authority that YOU are, in fact classified as an imbecilic moron. I'm sorry that you find yourself in the unfortunate position of being wrong. But you are. But you have a good day in Retard Land. Idiot.


Just wanted to make sure you got the message: "WHITE LIVES MATTER!" And my black friends and co- WORKERS are sick of the 'professional baby mamas" sucking off the system we WORK for and pay for while you sit on your fat ass until the next sperm donor comes along. You deliberatly make it hard for legitimate working people of ALL races, but you're hurting your own kind who - quite frankly - are sick of you giving your own race a continued bad reputation. NEWSFLASH:You weren't a slave and you're not entitled to ANYTHING!!!! Least of all from MY paycheck. Stop sh!!!!trying out babies and GET A JOB!!!!!! SICKOF OF PAYING FOR YOU, YOU LAZY F! GET AN FN'G JOB!

reply're a bigger idiot than I'd thought. I'm guessing you live with your Mom and Dad...I'm right aren't I?


You're a moron. Wells' Elois were blonde but they were also very short and they had the intelligence and attention span of a 5 year old. Why don't you complain about that?

And you claim not to be racist but everything you wrote screams of racism.


"I am not a racist"


This silly movie reminded me of the Blue Minx song....we ended up with 'coffee coloured people by the score'


I wish he was spinning so fast so he could time travel and personally slap you in the face.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


Most white people have dark hair and dark eyes. Most whites are not blonde and blue eyed. That's silly as NAZI, Nordic superman poppycock. True blonde hair is pretty rare in adult Caucasians. Most of the "blonde" women running around are fake blondes. Compare the number of "blonde" men to "blonde" women.

As far as "race mixing" that has happened, often by force, since forever. Virtually all black Americans are mixed and that goes back for hundreds of years. Thomas Jefferson and Strom Thurmond were not rarities.

As far as black women are concerned they have the exact same amount of kids as white women, around 2. The amount of black Americans has been stagnated for decades. Only Hispanic women have more (around 2.4). You can't "live" off of welfare since welfare reform that happened in 1996. Yet racists like yourself still have this ridiculous 1980's mentality.

I highly doubt you pay federal taxes anyway so the idea of you paying for "welfare" is ridiculous anyways. Most likely you are delusional white trash.

The largest "minority" in the US is Hispanic. And most people on planet earth are Asian. This black and white dichotomy is something only stupid, racist Americansxare stuck in. This film is different from the book and takes place in NYC, not England. If you have ever been out of whatever backwater *beep* you are from you would know NYC is pretty "brown" already. No time travel needed. Then again the vast majority of the cast was British or Australian and most of the Eloi looked Asian to me but idiots like you don't even consider the billions of Asian people on earth.

And for the record I never even got the idea that they were necessarily descended from any particular or blend of races but after 800K years people could change. The only reason different skin color exists is Vitamin D deficiency vs sunburn. If the ecology changed to a much more sunny, tropical sun even in NYC just about all humans would easily adapt dark skin. This film already has one group of humans evolve for life in subterranean conditions, there is no reason why a lighter person wouldn't have darker descendants after 800 years in tropical environments. The albinos under the earth may have had darker ancestors. But I guess basic biology and evolution (which where big themes in the film directly referenced) are lost on you troglodyte.


You know what's funny shooshoo, studies show that within the next thousand years mostly everyone will be a shade of brown. There's is no such thing as race in scientific terms. I can't wait for the day that all people are different and no one gives a *beep* about the color of your skin. It's also quite hilarious that people who are obviously racist always say they are not racist. Have fun in that closed mind of yours, it must be sad and lonely.
