This movie was


the structure of the movie was good..very good! The subject was awful...the writing was horrible. These sisters know nothing about Truth- of life, of choice, of reason, of philosophy.

These characters were just bumbling idiots- that had not done one ounce of introspection! These people had no answers and did not try to find any!

No One's happiness but my own is in my power to achieve or to destroy


don't think you saw the fabulous movie that I saw. You sound like a right wing person who hates goodness in any form. Right wingers spend their days lambasting people who care about people other than themselves and who think about more than their own selfish interests.

I thought the movie was very fine

I loved this move because all of the characters were basically good, just coming from different perspectives in life.


this was one of the best of 2002


an excellent movie.... that went nowhere... now dont get all harsh and call me right wing... their were very excellent revalations of the film.... IE the way it interwove... and it had alot to say.... but it seemed too slow moving... Jill Sprecher seems to have alot to say but she was very vague on what she means... and seems to use this film as a medium to say what she wants rather than oh i dont know... im sorta so so on the film

I desperatley wanted to like it but i dont think it will get a second viewing for at least a few years.


I'm kind of so-so on your grammar skills.


I'm kind of so-so on posting something that has nothing to do with the movie being discussed
oh, and:
this isnt a pissing contest its the internet...people are lazy typers, get used to it...

i thought it was a good movie, i dont quite understand the magnolia comparisons; besides it being an ensemble film...
interesting thoughts on what we all want...
i look at it similar to the way i see waking life...a collection of ideas
although without the big words and a more coherent story



This film made several points that people should take into consideration. Take for instance the lottory winner. He was so routine that when he won this large amount of money he figured his life to be complete. He figured that he would never have to work again. Wrong!! You will always have a burden of some sort from making easy money. You will always have faulty judgement calls and people hounding you for a little shot of dough, per say. Just look at this character reference. You will see that this film really is a lesson. Take notes.

If we could all allow our MonkeyBone to take effect, we would be better off!!!!



Ok, ok, let's just say to each his own and move on. Not everyone is going to share the same thoughts about any given film. I enjoyed Thirteen Conversations About One Thing. I enjoyed it so much that I chose to come and comment on it. I have never once commented on a film that I wasn't satisfied with. Think about it, if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all.

If we could all allow our MonkeyBone to take effect, we would be better off!!!!


I thought the movie was absolutely brilliant. There are those, of course, who won't get it. There are those who will complain that it doesn't really give any answers. But that's life, you know. We don't have any answers. But we must keep on asking questions. That's what this movie does, and it does it very well.

Jonas Kyratzes - game designer & developer


Amen, Jonas. If the film did satisfy everyone's expectations it wouldn't be so appealing to me. I like films that delve into realms of reality that most people choose to steer clear of. Life is like this film. Take the lawyer for instance. He imprisoned people for sins against others. He made a living out of taking killers off the streets. But, when he was faced w/ the fact that he had ran over a lady while drinking and driving he chose to run from the scene. This shows me that we should always practice what we preach. He pronounced aloud F**K GUILT!!! But it was guilt that overwhelmed him and caused him a mental breakdown. If he would have stuck around a little while longer at the scene of the crime he would have realized that she hadn't died after all. His haste in the matter was his downfall. Practice what you preach. That is what I gathered from this film. Always practice what you preach and you will be fine. Good day.

If we could all allow our MonkeyBone to take effect, we would be better off!!!!


And I thank the dude for summing it up for everyone.

I don't see any reason to bring politics into this...Just tell off(Only a little) the person for being an ignorant idiot basher.


I think the Magnolia comparison is right on... Most of the philosophical questions addressed in 13 Conversations are also in Magnolia; it's just that Magnolia didn't approach the subject directly (with all the "Gee Bob, what do you think about happiness?" and "I wonder what the purpose of my life is?" lines of dialogue that appear everywhere in 13 Conversations).

I think this heavyhandedness was what brought down an otherwise good film. The subject was great, the structure was good, the motifs and symbols were well chosen, and I'm perfectly fine with unresolved questions. But they smacked us in the face with the points they were trying to make. Magnolia might have had frogs falling from the skies, but it still managed subtlety and reserve which 13 Conversations was lacking.


I'm never surprised anymore when people get off the track on IMDB. This is the place where you can give your opinion and get a cussing out at the same time. I've been called everything in the book just because someone or other has disagreed with me. BTW, I liked the movie.



Jill Sprecher seems to have alot to say but she was very vague on what she means...

I have to agree with that, I still really liked the film though.

-We've survived yet again-
-We've lost yet again-


I have no idea if anyone has responded specifially to you (barbara520) about your comments about "right wing person[s]," but I figure I might as well. First, I am a right winger, super conservative, Bush lover, Iraq war supporter, yada yada yada. AND, I loved 13 Conversations. One of my all time favorite movies. The problem with the original poster was not that he or she was a "right winger" or liberal, but a bad movie watcher. So, there you go. You said, "Right wingers spend their days lambasting people who care about people other than themselves and who think about more than their own selfish interests." Nope, I spend my days working, hanging out with my family, doing normal stuff. Haven't done much lambasting today. Not much of a lambaster, really. Except now.



This movie was good and interesting...



You hate big corporations? Why?

Who is your ISP?
Where do you shop for food?
What kinds of food do you buy?
Did you see this film at the movies? Or did you rent it?

For all your hate you sure do use the "big corporation"!

No One's happiness but my own is in my power to achieve or to destroy



Part of the point about the "big corporation" is the amount of power they hold. You're almost FORCED to use their products and the like. Yes, there are alternatives, but there are situations where you can't help but go through huge corporations. That is part of the point of them ... the push out competition.


i thought it was beautiful


very bland and boring.. some of the situations were entertaining, but i didn't care for any of the characters... It seems too much like Magnolia


I was watching and thinking the entire time that this was a poor man's (or woman's in this case) Magnolia. Magnolia was brilliant. It had interesting characters whose problems were genuine, these people's problems all stemmed from bad decisions. The first bad decision was to accept the role. It was incredibly predictable, and answered not one question that it raised. The incredibly poor script made you forget that you might have been expected to feel for these people. You take out the horrible Overacting by Tom Cruise in Magnolia, and you have a perfect movie. You take out any of the characters in this film, and you have me being thankful for about 20 minutes less torture.


I was watching and thinking the entire time that this was a poor man's (or woman's in this case) Magnolia.

YES! thats what was in the back of my head! THANK YOU!


First, I really liked this film. And I think 13 conversations is a clearer vision than Magnolia in the same way Truly, Madly, Deeply was a better version of Ghost. Just too much narsissistic Hollywood big budget.


.... a nice film. I agree it was a lot like Magnolia. Maybe it is not all that original, but hey It was better than most of the garbage out there. Definitely worth your time and money.


hey it wasn't that bad

besides nowbodys F**ks with tha jesus


I thought it was a very, very good film. It may not answer all teh questions it asks, but I don't see how this is a problem.

A film can have closure without answering all of it's own questions. Why can a film not exist that asks questions for teh sake of moving the audience? I know this is actually more of a theatrical concept than a cinematic concept, but I give major props to the sisters Sprecher for helping to bring this idea to the screen!


"A film can have closure without answering all of it's own questions. Why can a film not exist that asks questions for teh sake of moving the audience? I know this is actually more of a theatrical concept than a cinematic concept, but I give major props to the sisters Sprecher for helping to bring this idea to the screen!"
good point, anyone see Chinatown ? film won 4 oscars and almost Best Picture. the best ending for a PI gumshoe mystery that's grounded in reality.


Alright, I've seen this movie TWICE now and all I have to say is that it was BRILLIANTLY done. Just because you don't like it doesn't exactly mean that you're "right wing" or that you're even -right- or -wrong-. The fact is, the movie had a LOT of philosophy, simplicity, and beauty. It was amazingl filmed and the acting was just... mind blowing. I didn't think it moved slowly--it simply made me think and think, and then, think again. Life is profound, that way. And the way the interwoven connection shined through was masterfully done. It was creative--maybe not anything "new" but it certainly portrayed things in a new aspect. There's so much to this movie. So much pain. So much love. So much ache, and so much beauty. Just think about it for a second, to think that the SMALLEST action that you do in life to another human being could be literally what makes or breaks them, is mind blowing. I'm not saying, "Hey! Let's all go out and be Mother Teresa!" But, it's just such an interesting and unique concept to ponder and eventually grasp. Placing energy into ANYTHING is a choice--and that energy lives on, no matter if we see it or not. It will always be there.


I would like a compendium of all the posts "deleted by administrator". I want to see what was so awful that somebody posted here. I see there were a few removed by poster as well. Well, I, for one, would like to see what this chicken hearted weasels posted that was so gawd-awful and offensive. Moreover, I would like to know how a thoughtful, sober, soulful movie could engender such offensiveness. I don't see stuff like that on Michael Bay movies.

Other than that, I like pie.

Mein Furher! I can valk!




Lets change this: "This movie was....SPECTACULAR"

YOu must be used to Hollywood fluff and hate independents with thoughtfulness. You missed the whole point of the film.


I'm only halfway through it right now.. I've seen about 10 movies like this, and to be honest, so far, this is not living up to par of those movies. This movie s trying really hard to be great, and it's only a few steps above mediocre. It's very well structured, and the concept is great (Though not original)... but it's just not as good as the many other films so similar to it.. I'll let you know what I think of it for sure once it's finished.


13 Conversation will be released on DVD in the UK in the next month. Featuring Audio Commentary from Jill Sprecher and others.


Pretentious and trite. And I am not "a right wing person who hates goodness in any form". I just don't like movies that strive to be profound when, in fact, they are not. But most folks, whether on the left or right, like their philosophies and profundities spoon fed to them so there you go.


I liked this film. It was a "cute" film that you should watch. Nice casting.


When everything is going great in your life then the film doesn't seem as good as when your life is in the middle of being turned upsidedown. Maybe I should say that if nothing every happened to you this film does not seem to pull you in. Any thoughts?


I think I can agree with you ... forgive my inability to be specific ... but I did watch this movie and there were times where it snatched me ... there are specifics that I remember that I loved - I know I adored Arkin in this movie ... I remember not being happy with Matthews character but I lack specifics ... and usually if its a movie that I loved - I remember more. SO that being said I can agree it was a great movie in some respects but lacked in others. The specifics as to why either of these are true - escape me. I must watch this again - maybe you are correct that it depends upon your own experiences ... but that means to me the director didn't pull you in as much as she could have ... and should have. There is much that lacks in this movie - but it does have strengths.

I remember thinking when I saw this film that there life lessons similar to Magnolia (but from a completely different perspective). Try Happiness by Todd Solondz --- again similar themes. I enjoyed Happiness MUCH better - but it is MUCH DARKER! and for some reason I am thinking about another film - Things you can tell just by Looking at Her ... and 5 Senses (this movie I know I would enjoy but the suspense of the missing girl nearly drove me insane - having little girls of my own ... I couldn't stand waiting until the end - and - Lovely and Amazing and The Safety of Objects and Little Children

The theme of happiness and interconnectedness and how it affects all of us in our version of the world --- how we are all invisible but yet not - how sometimes the smallest of actions affects others.

*How can it be that I..didn’t exist before...and...someday I...will no longer be who I am?
