No soundtrack available

I was very dissapointed to learn that the score for this film isn't available. I loved the music and got very into it during this wonderful movie.

I love collecting film scores and it really is a shame that this one isn't out on a disc. The only other film that Alex Wurman has done the music for that I've seen is Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, for which I don't remember the score.

Was anybody into the music for this film as much as I was? Maybe somebody could even recommend some similar tunes?


i don't remember the rest of the music from this film, but the end track that plays during the credits is deb talan's 'forgiven' from her 2000 release "something burning," my favorite album of hers. the song is also featured during the credits of "lovely and amazing," another fun, indie film. deb is a fantastic musician and if you liked that song, you just might like her other stuff. she just released a new cd, too! check her out at or she's really worth your attention! i dig her. :) hope this helps.


Well, you sound like a Wurman fan, so you probably already know this, but you can listen to Alex Wurmsn's music anytime at I hope I helped.


I was just checking my list of past message board posts and that lead me to this thread for the first time in a while. Thanks very much to the both of you for your suggestions. I also recieved an email a while ago suggesting I listen to some of Erik Satie's compositions as they're quite similar. I'm glad that I was introduced to his work because that person was right, his music is very very similar, so it was a great find.

Just thought I'd pass that on to anybody who's disappointed (as I still am) that a soundtrack for this film was never released.


awesome! thank you! i was trying to find the composer to this music as well. very good!


I liked the music too. Reminds me of Poulenc, a composer you might want to check out if you liked this.
