MovieChat Forums > Devil May Cry (2001) Discussion > Aprouch for the movie!!!!!!!!!!! read ...

Aprouch for the movie!!!!!!!!!!! read me

if they do make the movie they should make it its own movie not just a video game movie , a movie that even if u never played the game ull still love anyways. im thinkin of like a mixture of Unbreakable, and the crow wit a touch of blade and the matrix. im thinkin of someone to play dante, not some one that just looks the part but can actually act as well im prolly thinken of Steven Dorph or we can wait for daniel radciff to get older (not kidding). they should come up wit a brand new plot and really give us somemore back story on dantes past( how he became a demon hunter,who trained him ect.) but the movie should also stay true to the character that is dante make him the ultimate movie bad asssssss. it should be an action movie wit some horror elements and give it that gothic look


My guess is that a Devil May Cry Movie would be a just as bad idea, as the Resident Evil Movie...

I mean, I would LOVE a Devil May Cry Movie, but I don't think that "the crowd" would like it...

The person who says that nothing's impossible has never tried to slam a swingdoor...


I think they should make a movie. But it wouldn't look as great as the game as it would in real life form. Either go with anime or CGI graphics. The best way to go. They must stick to the storyline just a little. And no I don't think it would be a good idea to stick to the same plot as one and two but change it. Make it like inbetween 1 and 2. Best way to go.
