MovieChat Forums > Devil May Cry (2001) Discussion > Dante Must Die: Discussion

Dante Must Die: Discussion

If you were able to get to dante must die mode then you would have noticed that the game becomes alot more addictive.

Knowing that any enemy has the potential to kill you in one or two hits.
Fighting bosses becomes much more fun and tactical, My fav: The third encounter of Nero Angelo

At one point i found myself fighting 3 shadows for about 5mins. Probally the most action packed sequence i have ever witnessed.

You have not played DMC untill you have reached DMD mode.

If anyone has any comments on dante must die mode (questions, tips, and anything else) please post


yea I agree the DMD mode is the hardest difficulty i've ever seen on a video game and was a joy to finish my fav boss is the 3 stage against Nero Angelo the way u move around the whole section is a work of genius and on the DMD mode it's very tactial and takes ages to finish him as he can finish you of with one hit which makes you think first rather than act.


I think I'd get way too frustrated to ever play in this mode, seeing how you can die in one hit...



Could somebody please tell me how it's even possible to reach that level ?!?!


Beat all the other difficulties =P

Personally I found it too hard to beat when I first played it, but having beaten DMC3's DMD Mode (without Gold Orbs) since then i'm quite tempted to go back and do it.
