DMC Moviecast


Mark Dascascos - Dante
Jennifer Garner - Trish/Dante's Mother
Jason Bateman - Vergil
Christopher Lee - Voice of Mundus
Gerard Butler - Voice of Griffin
Billy Zane - Voice of Phantom
Haley Joel Osment - Young Dante
Rory Culkin - Young Vergil


Colin Farrel/Stephen Dorff - Dante
Michelle Rodriguez/Angeline Jolie - Trish/Dante's Mother
Jason Bateman/Ray Park - Vergil
Christopher Lee/Jeremy Irons - Voice of Mundus
Christopher Lee(also) - Voice of Griffin
Billy Zane - Voice of Phantom
Haley Joel Osment - Young Dante
The kid from The Ring - Young Vergil

"To trust or not to trust?I'll trust you to decide!"-Cashire Cat


Colin farell - Dante
Uma Thurman - Trish
The boy from the Ring SHOuLD be young vergil
and Haley can play as young Dante
Cristopher LEe's voice'll be okay for Griffin
i dunno bout Mundus, maybe Sean connery?


Has anyone seen Haley Joel Osment lately, PUBERTY, too old to play young Dante.


Colin Farrel, Christian Bale, Keanu Reeves, Brenden Fehr or Sean William Scott: Dante
Sean Connery: Voice of Mundus (Mundus will be physically portrayed with CGI)
Rose MgGowan or Jennifer Garner: Trish
The Rock, Ray Park or Arnold Schwarzenegger: Virgil/ Nelo Angelo


I dont think any of these characters will even be in the movie.

I think david boreanez might make a swell dante. He's got the voice.


Whats the deal with the DMC movie anyway? I heard the rights were picked up by a japanese company


Colin Farrell: Dante
Milla Jovoich: Trish
Ray Park: Nelo Angelo/Vergil
Sean Connery: Mundus(voice)


In any case the director has to be Ryuhei Kitamura. Since its a Japanese studio who has the rights, this could happen. Oh man do I hope it does.


Japanese Studio? Hmm....? Sounds good to me. I have no doubts that it will look bad. I belive in the Japanese. I personaly think it should all be CGI might make a better anime even. But definatly CGI. I mean the Japanese can do it. I think it would be bomb as all hell. I'm just waiting for this F'ING MOVIE TO COME OUT


jim caviezel as dante


Dante-Eric Mabius
Trish-Rebecca Romijn
Vergil-Eric Mabius
Mundus-Jason Isaccs(voice)
Young Dante-Cole Sprouse
Young Vergil-Dylan Sprouse



Ryan Reynolds:Dante
Cillian Murphy:Virgil
Nicole Kidman:Trish
David Dorfman:Young Dante
Haley Joel Osment:Virgil(BC i cant stand him so it would be good to think of him as having a role where he has to die)
Christopher Lee:Mundis
Charlton Heston:Griffon
Billy Zane:Phantom


Ryan Reynolds:Dante

YES!!!!! Seriously. I thought I was the only one. If you saw Blade Trinity, then you saw Reynold's as Hannibal King, and you saw how perfect he is for the role of Dante. It's a no-brainer.

As for the rest of the cast? Why's it matter? None of the actors are going to be able to play their parts. Trish. She's the only one. If I was making the movie, which I will hopefully :P, I'd cast Reynold's as Dante, some chick as Trish/Eva, and I'd leave the rest of them alone. Nelo Angelo is a knight in demonic, black armor. You can't see his face. Some big martial artist, or even CGI would be fine. He wouldn't talk, so you wouldn't need an actor. Phanton and Griffin, if I'd even include them in the script, wouldn't be protrayed by actors. There are MUCH better voice actors than Billy Zane and Charlton Heston. Good grief.

So, here's how it'd be:

Ryan Reynolds: Dante.
Trish: I don't care who.
Nelo Angelo: Doesn't matter.
Griffin: Who cares?
Phantom: I don't, do you?
Mundus: It's not a big deal.
Young Dante: Hey, here's an idea, let's stop posting these stupid cast threads for every video game ever, how's that sound?

Tread softly... because you tread on my dreams...


Ryan Reynolds would be perfect for the part, attitude-wise. But honestly, unless they can get every single character (especially Dante) looking and acting pitch-perfect, I don't want to see a live-action DMC movie.

And if Hollywood insists on trying to recreate the game, I DO NOT want to see any huge-name stars in the cast (I don't count Reynolds as a huge-name star). No Angelina Jolie, no Haley Joel Osment. I don't want some of my favorite game characters to become associated with America's name-based acting system. The actors should become the characters, not the other way around.

Think about some of the movies that have employed this state of thinking. Thomas Jane was amazing as the Punisher because, to the audience, he WAS the Punisher. His face wasn't associated with any previous characters because he was relatively unknown. Same goes for Hugh Jackman when the first X-Men movie was released. Hugh BECAME Wolverine because he was, for the most part, a newcomer (and he's a wonderful actor).

Reynolds would be good for the part, but I would rather see some unknown cast specifically for the part of Dante, if a live-action movie is indeed inevitable. But honestly, I think the best movie adaptation would come from an Advent Children-like CGI feature film. That way, all the characters could look perfect, and the original gothic ambience of the game would not be lost.


Michelle Rodriquez is the worst actress in the world. She's just as bad as the chick from Blade, N'bushe WRight, or whoever. WOW, that's a dumb idea, putting her in this movie!!! What're you thinking?!?!?! You want Michelle Rodriguez to play Dante's Mother? The Mother of the Ultimate Badass, next to Ash from Evil Dead? Wow, ok. The reason terrible movies are made, and why movies like this are ruined, are because people like you run Hollywood.

Tread softly... because you tread on my dreams...


Your Equilibrium quote is wrong.

"To trust or not to trust?I'll trust you to decide!"-Cashire Cat


You know what's funny?
In all of your suggestions for a possible moviecast you name one actor for dante and another one for vergil. Do you even realize they're twins?
So they should have the same face/actor,right?
The same thing goes for the mgs moviecast forums...
Guees there's no one there who would cast all snakes with one actor.


There is only one person on the planet that can direct this movie.
It's Ryuhei Kitamura.


There is only one person on the planet that can direct this movie. It's Ryuhei Kitamura.

People like you piss me off because you're the reason video game movies suck. You think just cuz some Japanese director made a movie with some good action, that he'll turn any movie into something awesome simply because he can direct really good action.

Anyone who thinks this movie could get away with just being mindless action is a moron. I don't care what you say. You CAN'T get away with making any movie with minimalistic story. It doesn't have to be the best writing of all time, or even something smart like Tarantino or something like Memento, but you need to have some degree of story.

Sure, Ryuhei Kitamura could direct it, but expect to have to either read subtitles the entire movie, or to suffer through bad dubbing.


Tread softly... because you tread on my dreams...


You are a pretty angry person. Apparently,everything pisses you off. Shut up. I don't think Michelle Rodriguez is the best,and if I remember correctly, she's hardly in the game at all. And since when was Trish Dante's mother? It was explained in DMC 3 that she was human,and Trish in DMC 1,was a demon.

And it's not like Hollywood's gonna actually give her that role. Trish was white;Michelle Rodriguez isn't. I based that off the fact she can do action scenes well.

Lay off that guy/girl (whichever the case may be) too. Because you're going off on how the movie needs a plot. And NO ONE said otherwise. All he was suggesting was that because it's Devil May Cry, obviously, people will expect to see good action scenes,if not great. That and a good actor behind Dante.

And you're wrong. Crappy movies are made because of people like Uwe Boll.

"To trust or not to trust?I'll trust you to decide!"-Cashire Cat


A new actor on the scene by the name of Johnny Terris would own playing Dante. He'd be perfect for the role and is kind of an unknown right now and looks a lot like Johnny Depp but younger.

I mean look at the pics on his official website
He would be a great Dante for a DMC movie!

I really hope they make this movie and I really hope they use him!!


now that u mention he looks like a young johnny depp i was thinking maybe johnny depp would be a good Dante

the picture of bale like dante looks great haha


rbccc I agree. When I seen his pics I was floored.


You guys, check this out.

It's a photoshop, the picture is originally from Equilibrium.

"A guy who dresses up like a bat CLEARLY has issues." -- Bruce Wayne


I agree with the idea of having it made in japan with japanese actors, they could even use the Original voice actors.

also I also think that the main guy in returner (Ithink it was Takeshi Kaneshiro) would be good for dante.

ok, dissagree as you will


Not a bad choice, shinobi20..... I picture Tak Sakaguchi from "Versus" as Dante though.



Christian Bale as Dante
and thats about it. But I think he would be great.

"Excuse me,have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?"


I think you should all relax and stop putting names of retards up for casting, beside's Bale and a select few I think the potential line-up you lot have put forward is weak.

I pray and pray they make the entire movie in CGI, cos if you love this game as previous games come movies/comics come movies, you'll be disappointed when the actor fails to portray the character you love so much. Maybe they dont look right, or cant talk right, or just cant portray the attitude of Dante like it should be.

I dont want the character of Dante to be someone I hate when they give him a face.
The only good casting, like for like I can think of to date is Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, and I dont think they should take the risk of *beep* Dante up in the eyes of hardcore fans.


Collin Farell as Dante Is a Big no!!!! How about Ioan Gruffudd from Fantstic 4 as dante..



Dante has got to be played by Christian Bale, but then again Bale with white hair could look dodgy. Trish can be played by Kate Beckinsale. as long as those two are cast i'll be happy.

Just seen this pic...

Bale looks quality as Dante!!



lol Too bad Miyavi or Gackt don't know much english, otherwise either one would make a great Dante.



Tom Cruise. Think of it, he has the cocky smile and attitude, the big nose, and the dark eyes.



Heath Ledger - Dante
Angelina Jolie - Trish/Dante's Mother
Johnny Depp - Vergil
Brian Cox - Voice of Mundus
Haley Joel Osment - Young Dante
David Dorfman - Young Vergil



Edge (Adam Copeland from WWE) - Dante
Rachel McAdams - Trish
Computer Generated - Vergil
Tony Daniels - Voice of Mundis (Same as Video Game)
Wesley Snipes - Voice of Vergil
Tim Curry - Voice of Phantom
Jon Davis (From KoRn) - Voice of Griffin
Ridge Canipe - Young Dante
Kevin Alexander Clark - Young Vergil

"I flirt with suicide, sometimes kill the pain" Jonathan Davis of Korn


I'm wondering why there are people who keep recommending Mark Dacascos as Dante.

On another note, Dante and Vergil are twins...

Haley Joel Osment would be a good choice!

Or else Angel's son, Connor...

Rudy: You created them all so you could be immortal. Why?
Castillo: To live forever.


Um... I don't think anyone human is good enough to play Dante. They'll destroy the game's beauty by making a movie and casting hack actors... Better off with CGI, like Advent Children. And if that ugly skank Jennifer Garner puts on Trish's outfit, I'll vomit. And as for Haley Joel Osment... To see him play as Dante at any age would probably kill me. He's lost his talent since he's gotten older... Better off with CGI, as previously stated.
