Car Crash Scene

That scene shook me. One of the more realistic scenes I've seen. Extremely powerful. They captured it amazingly well.



Which one?


both were good, but the second was simply amazing

" Look, there's two women fuc*ing a polar bear!" - Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas 1998





I think both car crash scenes were choreographed amazingly however the one with Donald did shake me up real bad especially because of the fact that i was beginning to really enjoy his character.

I'm a Lead Farmer



"He ain't playin God; he's bein judged by Him." -Kirk Lazarus


I think both car crash scenes were choreographed amazingly however the one with Donald did shake me up real bad especially because of the fact that i was beginning to really enjoy his character.


Who did they crash into anyway? That vehicle simply escaped unharmed?


There was a ranger coming the other way in the second crash and you see him briefly, face down and unmoving on the road. I guessed he fared just as badly as Donald.


I only remember the one where Cooper is backing out the car. And it was hilarious!

Dalton and Craig! Accept NO substitutes!



2.) you have Asperger's Syndrome,

Hmmm, I have Asperger's Syndrome and I didn't find that scene funny at all. In fact, it was quite shocking (even though I suspected it was coming).

However, while there are aspects of autism that may cause sufferers to display an innopropriate emotional response, I suspect the poster in question is deliberately trying to get a reaction from the more mature posters on this board. Best ignore him and he'll go away



Again, my apologies for the ill-placed reference to your condition.

Hey, no worries, it's honestly not a problem. At least you'd heard of it, most people haven't, or think we're all like Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man!!! Of course, I'm not saying that sometimes I don't misread people's emotions or have an inappropriate response to a situation (that's a double negative, I mean I do), and there may be certain people who did find that funny, but in this case, I think PanteraRosado was trying for the rise.


It was the reality of it, how the it didn't take the direction of slo-mo or use music, that was rather harrowing to watch.


