Funniest episold

was the one where Bush had the cat that smelled really bad and Laura thought he was talking about her "P". It was too damm funny for words.



I really liked the one where Bush drops E and puts on those little butterfly wings. That rocked.


THAT is the funniest episode, i mean come on! bush drops two hits of e and then throws a rave in the white house when they are celebrating the 1,000,000 drug bust, which happens to be a kandi kid, its comedy i tell ya, but it makes me wonder if the actor who is portraying bush has actually rolled...he is very convincing!


i remember a quote from each of those episodes

Karl:(talking about the old cat)...i swear sometimes it walks in the room and smells like old cheese!!!
(Laura looks agast thinking hes talking about

Fetus:...Im 35 years old and i have to shop at baby gap!

lastly my fav episode
Rainbow: Less like a rocketship, more like a baloon.....HAAAAAAA (that weird laugh he did)
Laura:(talking aobut how she doesnt like george's mom) Ill bet you five dollars the first thing she says to me is how stupid i am!
(doorbell rings, george answers)
Barbara: Hello Georgie!!....oh, Laura...(disgusted)God youve put on weight....
George: (to Laura) HA! you owe me five dollars!

The greatest thing, you'll ever learn, is just to love, and be loved in return


Definitely the cat one. When they used the douche bag on the cat, I have never laughed harder in my life at television. GENIUS!!!



Abolutely.It's one of the funniest TV show episodes ever.

reply you can download it here


yeah, the E episode rocked my socks.


I like the episode where they parody other sitcoms.


nobody likes the trapped in a small space episode? it was brilliant!


the war on drugs episode was my favourite, as was the exsection episode.

