Jeffrey Dahmer?

Did anybody know there was a serial killer back in the 80s named Jeffrey Dahmer. Obviously the producers of the movie took this name from the killer and didnt just make it up, because who ever hears the name Dahmer? Kinda funny actaully.


That was the joke...because after everyone said Jeffy's last name, they always added "spelled with an o" and it was quite clever!

"give me rolling hills so tonight can be the night that I send them up a thousand thrills"


so my question always was...

Domer [like the ŏ in pot] or Dahmor? :D


I think it's Dohmer lol


A little late to the party here, but it's Dahmor. It says it on the TV in the bar when the announcer is talking (:


That would a joke. It is comedy. They tend to not do things that are not expected.


yeah it was just another way of showing how much Brian Cox's character as his "care taker" really didnt give a crap about him. just didnt put in any thought to what name or jsut wanted to be an ass to him lol


Its the ole 'say the first thing that comes to your mind' thing.

White - black
hot- cold
cat - dog
jeffrey - dahmer

Love's turned to lust and blood's turned to dust in my heart.
