MovieChat Forums > The Ringer (2005) Discussion > How was this offensive?

How was this offensive?

Please enlighten me

Last film watched:Ghost in the Shell (1995)8/10


As a person with a physical disability I feel as though I can shed some light on this. People don't want to laugh at us even though we're trying to be funny. The premise sounds bad on paper but if you take the time to actually watch the movie you'll realize that Knoxville is the but of the jokes not the athletes. It's actually a movie I think everyone should see, it shows them that even though we're different we're humans just like you.


Thanks for your reply. I thought it was a really good film and wasn't offensive at all. I work with people who have mental disabilities and they also like the movie. Like you said, Knoxville's character is the butt of a lot of the jokes in the film while the athletes are shown to be the true heroes. Our society has become too politically correct that people don't even want to give this film a chance.

Last film watched: Paul (2011) 5/10


The movie was not offensive. The Special Olympics were behind it. Lighten up!

"Like German tourists…the stupid are everywhere!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer, Red Dwarf


As the mother of a child with special needs, i thought this movie was absolutely hysterical! When Glen said "When the eff did we get ice cream" I nearly peed my pants!


Winston said that line. Hilarious line nonetheless.


I loved that part and so many other parts of this movie.


I think people that say it's "offensive" have never seen the movie.


It wasn't offensive, not at all. I have a mentally challenged brother and believe me I know when people are making fun of him or laughing at him. I didn't feel this movie was about that at all, if I did I wouldn't have watched it.


LOL I agree with special needs child's mother...the movie part with one of the competitors when Katherine Heigl as Lynn comes up, blowing the cover of the "We stopped for ice" charade of Lynn's teacher/boyfriend cheating on her (a very obscure actor with the odd name of Zen gsner) saying "When the *beep* did WE get ICE CREAM", blowing his cover, THAT was hilarious....and sop were many other points in this./ (they were watching "Dirty Dancing",btw the instructor who was Heigl/Lynns boyfriend was cheating with the earlier seen outdoor restaurant waitress Brandi).

Amanda Bynes is hot and Lindsay Lohan is not.
"Jewish People driving German cars"-Sarah Silverman.


Agreed. My son has classic autism and he just loves showing it through echolalia lol. You can really see people's reactions, and I find that it actually helps me spot people that are ignorant and people that are just loving and fun. This movie was a scream and at no point was I offended, my son even laughed and keeping him in one spot for 10 minutes is hard work lol.


It's not offensive at all really. As someone else said, the Special Olympics helped with the movie. The fact is that all of the jokes are at the expense of Steve/Jeffy and not on the characters with disabilities. In fact, the characters with disabilities actually get the better of him most of the time.
