Westboro Baptist Church

Some people may know how Westboro Baptist Church openly mocked Matthew Shepard for being gay. And frankly, their actions make me sick. Some info of what the horrible things they do can be seen here. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westboro_Baptist_Church



The Westboro Baptist "church" are one of the few organisations that inspire any hatred in me. Hatred for their small minded, bigoted, sickening, pious crap that they see fit to inflict on people in the name of "God".
Personally I have no faith or religion, but I absolutely respect anyones right to hold religious beliefs in any deity they choose. However, using that religion as an excuse, no, a cover, for their own petty, archaic prejudices and hatred is absolutely sickening.

They are scum. Pondlife of the lowest order, who's only true purpose in life is as a collective group of organ donors.

The Bible teaches that homosexuality is "an abomination" to the Lord, which I take to mean a higher order of sin. It says exactly the same thing about eating shellfish, but I don't see them barricading fishmongers, or boycotting the sailing boats. I'm willing to bet that a large number of them eat prawns. This applies to many homophobic people, not just the Westboro nutcases. Does this mean then, they get to pick and choose which of Gods abominations are ok, and which to protest at. It's nothing more than using religion as a smokescreen.

There is a video circulating on Youtube featuring an interview with some repugnant creature from their "organisation", which seems to consist mainly of their family members. If you can find it, watch it. The woman is beyond belief, to the point that I am at a loss for words exactly how to describe her. I'm torn as to whether she is just full of venom and hatred, or whether she is clinically insane.

Their actions border on criminal, and occasionally go as far as breaking the law to get their "message" across. Slogans like "God hates... (insert chosen hate message here)", leave me utterly speechless. Protesting at funerals, publicly decrying Matthew Shepard... I honestly don't know how these people can sleep at night. They are a poison in the veins of soceity, a human cancer of the most malignant kind. The fact they practice all this, suppossedly in the name of God, or Christ, a man who, by the very nature of their own "beliefs" preached nothing but love, makes it all the more sickening.



The Bible teaches that homosexuality is "an abomination" to the Lord, which I take to mean a higher order of sin. It says exactly the same thing about eating shellfish, but I don't see them barricading fishmongers, or boycotting the sailing boats

Actually, you're referring to Leviticus 11. And the LORD said shellfish would be an abomination onto the PEOPLE, not HIMSELF, while homosexuality is an abomination onto the LORD. Plus, Leviticus 11 must be seen in context what is being talked about, which is animal sacrifices for the LORD and what animals they can and cannot eat. However, 1 Timothy 4:1-5 says that the LORD made all foods to be eaten with thanksgiving since the LAW was fulfilled in Christ and no more animal sacrifices were necessary. However, in Romans 1, homosexuality is still viewed as an abomination (that, along with divorce and fornication, are viewed as big sins onto God.)

Just for the record, though, I find Westboro Baptist to be utterly repugnant with their approach, blasphemy, cursing (yes, Fred Phelps has uttered some nasty expletives in his sermons,) and totally demonic.


I can't say I'm particularly religious, however, to fulfill my degree I need to take several courses in religion. I chose to take a NT Theology course, in which we studied, in depth, the NT (obviously). In the NT, there are references to "Sodomites", which, to understand, you must first look at the historical context. The NT writers did not mean "sodomites" as in homosexuals, but rather, the rich men who had young boys as slaves (the boys were used to "pay off" debts), to use for whatever pleasures the wealthy man wanted.

Quite an interesting class, actually... considering I'm not all that religious.


In the NT, there are references to "Sodomites", which, to understand, you must first look at the historical context. The NT writers did not mean "sodomites" as in homosexuals, but rather, the rich men who had young boys as slaves (the boys were used to "pay off" debts), to use for whatever pleasures the wealthy man wanted.

No such context exists in the Bible, especially in the NT. If you read Romans 1, it is clear that the action being condemned is man-on-man relations, IE HOMOSEXUALITY, REGARDLESS of class structure of either party.


I CAAANNNOOOT wait until each and every one of those ignorant mother *beep* die.Then they will meet God and see who God really is.

A bunch of disgraced human pieces of trash.God hates nobody.



I agree completely in fact I was just reading about them and thats why Im looking up Matthews story, I cannot believe they think they are "doing gods work" by going around spreading hate and parading around signs that say things like "Matthew is in hell". That is just sick and completely derogetory. Having people like this is the world appauls me, that sick twisted Fred Phelps deserves to get his. And I agree that these are some of the only type of people that truly inspire hate in me.


The Westboro Church in all honesty could be the perfect parody of all christian evangelisism. I honestly believe that they are so over the top in everything they do that it must be a scam of some sort. I'm not the only person to propose this theory but I think they're in for the money. The reason they protested the funerals of Mathew, coal miners, U.S. Troops, and everybody else thet've shamelessly spat on is because they want to provoke physical confrontation. As soon as they are harmed in any way, they can take this to court and be heartily compensated using the defense that all they were doing is execising their freedom of speech. As much as I hate to sound like a conspiracy nut, I think this is what a lot of evangelical groups are about, MONEY! Of course it's nothing new, look at the 700 club, the Bakers, Jimmy Swaggert, Jack Chick, and all other self-implied religous prophets. The sad thing is that people are so emotionally insecureand gullible that they buy into this crap. Do yourself a favor and ignore Fred Phelps and any other self-righteous prick for that matter who tries to threaten and control you. They don't know your fate, NOBODY does! Live your life how you feel would be pleasing to you and God(if there is one) and ignore the preachers, priests, and psychotic bile thumpers, especially phelps.


Stew.. I would urge you to read the thread entitled "this is the cruelest thing someone could do".
Whilst I am in absolute agreement about your thoughts on Phelps, Swaggert and the like, it will, I hope, assure you that not all Christians are bible-thumping nutcases, homophobes, and self righteous idiots. The posts I have read today have given me a great deal of pleasure, if that is the right word, and I am an atheist. It's reassuring therefore, to know that there are Christians out there who can "restore the balance".

If you dislike the new look, please consider signing the following petition..
http://www.petitiononline.com/IMDBKEEP/petition.html. Hopefully, with sufficient signatures, the IMDB staff will, at the very least give us the option of retaining the old look, on a permanent basis.

Thanks, and please help draw attention to the poll, if you believe it to be worthwhile. The more signatures, the more chance we have of keeping our IMDB as it is!" :)


Not saying they all are dude. Some of my best friends are christians or have faith in one way or another. My mom was raised catholic and I love her still. It's evangelicals and those who are out to feel superior and put everybody down that I don't like. Especially those who want to force their beliefs on everybody else and automatically assume that everybody and everything else is wrong and worthy of death.


A friend once pointed out to me that, while groups like Westboro are sick and dangerous, we have more to fear from homophobes and bigots that keep quiet about it.

Truth is, Westboro members are out there yelling their heads off everyday and revealing their constant hatred and ignorance. I'm not condoning their actions at all but at least we know who they are and what they stand for. We know enough about them to know that there is simply no point in paying any attention to them.

I worry more about the homophobic quiet man. The type that whispers under his breath "f'ken queer" every time an episode of Will and Grace or something comes on.

The type that openly claims to be loving and accepting of all kinds of people but makes a mental note to avoid that 'cowboy' movie because it's actually about queers.

The type that side-whispers into his son's ear that 'gay is not okay' whenever he feels the opportunity or need to.

Homophobia is still prevalent and out there. But alot of it has gone 'undercover'

Having said all that, as much as I agree with free speech, I also agree with anti-vilification laws like those that exist in my home country (Australia) that would legally prevent groups like Westboro publicly vilifying gays.


I respect your opinion, but I think that open homophobia is just bad as quiet homophobia. While hidden homophobia is definitely insidious, because this hate-filled person doesn't even have the decency to be open about it, I don't feel any better knowing about someone's homophobia. I've said it before and I'll continue saying it til I've worn out my vocal cords: I don't understand homophobes, and I don't wish to. In this circumstance, I feel like ignorance really is better. I feel like attempting to understand homophobia would expose my mind to such darkness that I don't think I'd ever really recover, and I'm not willing to do that. Not yet, anyway.
And to the Biblical points, yes, the Bible does say that a man lying with another man is an abomination in, if I'm not mistaken, Leviticus 18:22.
But the Bible also says that touching the skin of a dead pig makes you unclean. I guess football players are SOL on that one, huh?
The Bible also says that I, as a young able-bodied female, am worth something like 10 or 20 pieces of silver. Do you think that's fair market value? I believe in Exodus it says that my father has the right to sell me into slavery. I don't know if he's aware of this right, so maybe I should inform him. I mean, the Bible says it, so it must be ok, right?
While we're thinking about that, the Bible also says that anyone who works on the Sabbath should be put to death. Now, since my school schedule is quite restrictive, I have to work on the weekends. My question is this: are my friends morally obligated to kill me themselves, or can we call the police? All in the interest of Biblical correctness, of course.
If you could get back to me on these questions, I'd greatly appreciate it.
And while you're mulling this over, can we remember the Golden Rule? I'm no expert but I believe it says something to the effect of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you. Curious how that one always seems to be forgotten in the Biblical discussion of homosexuality.
This rant wasn't directed at anyone in particular. I just needed to vent. I mean no disrespect to people with religious beliefs; on the contrary, I have the utmost respect for religion and spirituality. My problem is with people who pervert God and religion to support their own hatred and ignorance. It makes me physically ill to think about it and I just needed to get that off my chest. Thanks for listening :) Again, I mean no disrespect, and if I offended anyone then I apologize. It was not my intent.

What's next?


No they will be fertilizers. FFS there is no "god"!


The WBC (I am not going to even call them a church, they are a cult, plain and simple) not only protested Matthew's trial and funeral, but they routinely target the funerals of not just homosexuals, but soldiers, Catholics, etc. At the same time, it is a known fact that many of their own "members" are child abuse. According to a son of the Phelps family (Fred Phelps is their "patriarch") named Marc, who is the only "family member" of the WBC to grow up and turn his back on the "church" described his father (Fred, the psycho) as a "rabid dog".

Michael Moore also documented freaking out the WBC in one of his documentaries. I don't live in the states but for the people reading this that do, consider keeping an eye on these people. The fact that they are still allowed to take "care" of children is really, really scary to me.

"I want to Believe"- <3 Fox Mulder, The X-Files


There is a doccumentary about this church. The title is "Fall from Grace".
I wrote a review of it for our church Newsletter.
In brief, the demonstration alluded to is not the only place the Westboro church makes appearences.
They have been detained a number of times at Funerals Memorial services and Burrial services of soldiers returning from war (yes, in THIS country).
If you want a closer look at this church and it's leader, consider a peek at the doccumentary.
Gypsy in Florida

