
Why are ppl so heartless and cruel. Why cant ppl fall in love with who they want and not be afraid of getting shot or beaten. it's not fair to matthew or Gwen(another victim.)Ppl shouldnt judge gay, lesbians, bi, or trans. Just because they are different doesnt mean they arent human. i deeply feel for the parents who lost their son or daughter to this hate crime.

Matthew, Gwen, and other victims.


The world is full of such fear and hatred of people who are different. What happened to Matthew is sick and wrong. I don't understand it. Matthew wasn't hurting anybody. He was who he was. He did nothing to deserve what happened to him. I just don't get how people can be so ignorant.

"That puppet is in the wrong show."


Ppl are cowards they really are. They killed Matthew because he was 'different'. because he wasnt straight. Like u said Grabs how can ppl be so ignorant.



I couldn't agree more, no one has any right to treat another human like garbage or judge them. This movie broke my heart, as did the film about Gwen Araujo.
You should also check out the film "Boy's Don't Cry", about the rape and murder of Branden Teena (female-to-male transsexual). It is an incredibly sad story as well, and only further highlights the ignorance and hate that exists in this world.
The cruelty of these acts makes it difficult to have faith in the world and it's people, but there are people fighting against hate and homophobia everyday and we must make sure we never stop fighting for a better world. I just wish one day fear, ignorance and hate could be erased for good.

"Love's boat has smashed against the daily grind"


I agree


In a perfect world,Matthew would be with someone he loved and
not have to worry about death.Did he get HIV from being raped in
Mexico or Spain? Supposedly he was raped,poor kid,is that how he
got HIV?


The drug dealing business which Shepard and his killers were involved in, is filled with cruel, heartless people.

