How is it?

I want to see this movie, (Karl Urban!!!) but I would like to know what others thought about this movie? Is it good, or bad? Is it scary, or just really gory? Thanx for the info.


I've gone with 8/10. Not gory but a fair amount of blood splashed about. Has it's scary moments but is more zeroed in on the characters. Worth watching for Katie Wolfe's performance.


If you like Karl, then seeing this is a must, simply because he spends most of the movie with at least half his clothes removed .

The movie itself is not bad, not really scary IMO, but there are two yucky scenes involving bugs, and one involving a very big needle that freaked my husband out, as he hates needles (if you can't stomach such things, then ignore my earlier comment that you must watch it.)


adapt and overcome ~ Viggo


I liked it. It has its share of gore etc but it also has a very tense atmosphere-and keeps you guessing until the end.


I loved this movie!!!!!! I watched it and it took me totally by surprise in its visual style and its mood and direction. It's only drawback is that it is only 1 hour and 15 minutes long and it isn't even available on vhs or dvd here in the states. Karl Urban was great and Katie Wolfe is SEXY and VIBRANT!!!!!!


I liked it. But given my obviously twisted sense of humor, I found it funny. I thought it was cute the way Bennie kept refering to Harry as Napoleon.


Very good movie. And Karl Urban is hot.


Loved it... could Karl Urban get any sexier? Wait yes...he was pretty nice looking in the price of milk...but this movie would be good even without him.


Possible SPOILER

The movie is fantastic!!!
It's campy, awesome, with senseless T&A, and a bit of gore just to make sure it rocks. My wife and I loved it. Also, there is a Philip K. Dickian moment where the protagonist is convinced that he is doing too much dope, and you kinda want to believe that the problem is so simple. Which brings you to the end, where the same effect is used. 8/10 For campy, creative, psychological fun.
P.S. My wife loved the "Good" Chicks' outfits.



Hmm you must have watched it on showtime beyond the same time I did.

I thought it was crappy. Offered nothing new, and overall was boring. I didn't even see it as a camp. To me it was taking itself seriously and tried too hard to be good. It just wasn't a fun movie to watch.

You don't make up for your sins in church. You do it on the streets...
