Rik Mayall

Without his voice over this game might be slightly bland...but he just made it even more funny!
How old was he when he did the voice for this game?

"Hurry up!!"

lol Hogs of War is great.

Check out my QOTSA site! www.piczo.com/qotsa-site/


I have the game i think it great

I believe Rik was age 42 whn he done the voice over 4 the game coz hes 48 now


Woah, when I think of Rik Mayall when I hear his voice on the game I think of him as probably being in his early 30's..
Thats a big surprise to me.
And yes the game is great, Rik Mayall really made it what it is..

Check out my QOTSA site! www.piczo.com/qotsa-site/
