
... i bet if more people watched this movie it will rank up there with Donnie Darko. This movie is one of those sci-fi movies but it's very different then any other movie. It also interperts the MMORPG world very well with an interesting meaning to it but while not losing track of the main story.

the movie definately deserves a top 250 spot in the IMDB. It one of those movies that leaves you WOW at the end. And throw's off anything you thought the movie was going to be.

Mamouri Oshii is like the japanese sci-fi god.


This movie is great, it keeps you thinking after you finish watching it. I wish I had seen it in the cinema on a big screen.

To be honest though, I do not think this movie deserves to be in the top 250. The reason being, it doesn't have a global audience. This movie will appeal to only a minority of people since it is confusing and may appear to drag on.

It doesn't deserve the 6.6 rating as that is under average but top 250? Maybe a 7.5 or something.


Average on this scale is 5.5.

I know that may sound nit-picky, but I mention it because it reflects skewed expectations.

With a 6.6 rating, that means the average response indicates viewers think it's above average. Good, not great. Not bad for a niche movie, where some for whom it really resonates might think its incredible, while more consider average, which could be regarded as pretty fair, considering it doesn't appear to be a movie set for wide appeal.


It's very cool on the big screen. It had a limited release in theaters here in Holland. Almost nobody knew of it though so there were only about 7 people in the room when I saw it. Very cool. No annoying teenagers making noise and such.

And very funny btw this guy was there and apperantly didn't like it or get it so he left. But the funny thing was that 2 minutes after he left the movie was over.

Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look realy un-evolved? - Bill Hicks


The sad thing is that Avalon got almost no recognition even here in Poland, where it was filmed. I saw it on the big screen too, and the room was also almost empty.


I wish it had got more recognition here in the uk too, because then i wouldn't have bought the american version with the miramax-retard-subs...it came out here a few month later, but too late for me!

still, uk critics seem to have this prejudice against anime, and people who make it, so oshii never had a chance here. i guess that's why we never got GITS 2 here either. it's quite sad... :(


Thought the movie was terrible! iT DESERVES A 1.9 I WAS SO EXITED TO SEE IT AND IT COMPLETLEY BLEW ME! CAN'T BELIEVE you think it should be rated so highly it was slow and even the action scenes were Stupid! If you want yall can have the dvd I bought. I rather give it to you guys then trade so post if you want it and its yours!


do you watch a sci-fi film just for fast-paced action?

maybe u should just watch action movies instead. :/


I'll take your DVD from you. I actually have enjoyed the movie. I haven't seen the whole thing yet, but I really like the way the cinematography is done.

Send it to me.



Dude! My thoughts exactly! Too slow, lame action, and whomever wants it, you can also get my DVD! Worst movie ever! Exept the 1.9 rating, that's way overrated..


6.6, yeah and I think that is too high! I don't know what film everyone else saw. I found some of the visuals to be striking, but the story is not even close to as deep as everyone is saying. It is actually a compliment to those of you able to make it deeper. Perhaps with they things that you all are thinking it would have helped! God knows it needed it. I am not saying this film is bad, but there is a reason why this film has never really been heard of. Granted there are others out there that no one has heard of but I find wonderful, (Existenz, Equilibrium, Princess Mononoke) but this is just a fair to good film at most. Tell me... will this film be better if I were to watch this again? If enough people say they catch more things and it improved perhaps I should watch it again then. I really like the whole premise and the acting for the most part was good, so please let me know?

"Ignorance is Bliss" Please, don't take the girl!


Watch it again.


It is true it appeals to a smaller audience but at last a 8 please. The problem is mainly based to the Anime nature. A lot of countries consider Anime superficial and violent. This preconception stops masterpieces like Avalon to be recognised. This is not the case for all countries. Avalon has just been released in Italy and the critics have been so much better than the UK one... hopefully this will bring up the vote soon.


I can't agree. I thought the basic concept of this film was excellent, and what little special F/x there were were absolutely outstanding. however, 90% of the film put me to sleep.

I appreciate slow-pacing and the build-up of moods, etc, but this does not excuse shots of her just walking through the subway for a full ten seconds, or panning shots of her in her apartment for 12-15 seconds, people walking into the theatre for 8 seconds. BOR-RING. You could edit this down to about 45 minutes and make a phenomenal film. It would not lose a thing, not even the introspective moments and dark moody atmosphere.

I'm not looking for another Catwoman, God help us all, but a little attention to pacing is a beautiful thing. I must have yelled " c'mon already, DO something! " at least 50 times while watching this thing.

Great CGI, though.


the slow paced of the movie is immensely similar to Ghost in the Shell2's it's you'll sometimes see some girl making something for a dog that takes immensely long, his movies usually very quiet like.


While it has it's slow moments, it's nowhere near as slow and painful as Lost In Deflation, which got accolades from far too many people. Avalon was a vastly more enjoyable movie.


Actually I also really enjoy Lost In Translation. The thing with that though that it makes a lot more sense if you've been in a situation like the main characters are. It reminded me immencely of when I was in a foreign country for the first time.. I also felt lost like that. It spoke to me on a very human level. It was a very good character study IMHO.

Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look realy un-evolved? - Bill Hicks


You aren't really comparing Donnie Darko to Avalon, are you?
6.6 is just the vote it deserves. To be honest, it's even a little higher than its actual value.

Boycott movies that involve real animal violence! (and their directors too)


It's not. On the contrary.


I thought this film was incredible! Could only watch half of it in the morning and then had to think about it all day till I got back in the evening to finish it! I didn't have one other thought than returning to this movie all day, it had me hooked like the game itself!

This movie would never get any recognition in Germany either. Sad, but i think it's because of the story. Everything that has the word 'computer game' in it is considered as for 'children only' in Germany. It would never get any recognition because of that, sad fact, really.
