MovieChat Forums > Abandon (2002) Discussion > Where exactly was Embry going? And other...

Where exactly was Embry going? And other questions (spoilers)

1. After his "performance" Embry takes off into the basement and wanders toward...what, exactly? The edge of the underground lake/sewer? For a swim? It seems kind of ridiculous that Katie caught him in the most convenient murder/dumping place on campus and he literally had NO reason for being there.

2. Wade realizes Katie's insane, is torn because he's in love with her, decides to cope by finally having a drink, and then goes to meet her. She's roughed-up and crying and she tells him Embry was just there. Why does he act like this is plausible? You see that he's not just playing along, he genuinely seems to think Embry was there, but why? Hadn't he already come to the conclusion that Katie was delusional?

3. I get that it's an abandoned building, but nobody bothered to check for squatters before demolishing it? Or, I don't know, the bodies of missing persons in the last place anybody saw them alive?

4. Katie's kind of a bitch and treats everyone she meets like garbage - Mousy Julie, Wade when they first meet, Sam (her best friend) on several occasions. Why did anybody hang out with this woman?


1. After his "performance" Embry takes off into the basement and wanders toward...what, exactly? The edge of the underground lake/sewer? For a swim? It seems kind of ridiculous that Katie caught him in the most convenient murder/dumping place on campus and he literally had NO reason for being there.
A.It was the basement of the old dorm that they lived in. Katie 'gets' a postcard from Embry in the middle of the night that says "Come meet me in the old place. We have a lot to talk about.' Of course, she had it for years as she killed him 2 years before. He had given her the postcard and she went to see him, he broke it off and she killed him.

2. Wade realizes Katie's insane, is torn because he's in love with her, decides to cope by finally having a drink, and then goes to meet her. She's roughed-up and crying and she tells him Embry was just there. Why does he act like this is plausible? You see that he's not just playing along, he genuinely seems to think Embry was there, but why? Hadn't he already come to the conclusion that Katie was delusional?
A: I don't think Wade knew for sure that she was crazy yet. He knew something was amiss, hence the 'old' postcard that Katie said was new. He likely thought she had something to hide or was mistaken, or that even Embry had played a trick on HER. As he knew Embry was a little nuts for certain.
And most people "in real life" don't or won't believe someone they know (and are in love with) are insane, especially THAT insane.

3. I get that it's an abandoned building, but nobody bothered to check for squatters before demolishing it? Or, I don't know, the bodies of missing persons in the last place anybody saw them alive?
I'm not sure what you mean. No one would think that they were ever in there. There was no evidence of Wade, Embry, or Katie ever having been in that old dorm building (it was the gutted old dormitory, where they lived and made love the first time. They were rebuilding it, hence Harrison's picketing with the others earlier saying "GO home Leave it alone!").
All that was there was some sleeping bags and that could be any squatter. There were no witnesses that any of them had ever been there.
But what always gets ME is how could no one stumble on the bones in the water? I'm not sure how construction works, but wouldn't they drain the water or something before pouring a new foundation?

4. Katie's kind of a bitch and treats everyone she meets like garbage - Mousy Julie, Wade when they first meet, Sam (her best friend) on several occasions. Why did anybody hang out with this woman? I think Julie was in awe of her a bit, at the same time she enjoyed competing with her (we see this later on when she brags about finishing her thesis first). And Wade was determined to get info at the same time was fascinated by Katie (mousy Julie nailed it: She says people are drawn to her because she seems vulnerable, needs a savior.) They appear to feel she is defensive because she is hurt, and that could be true.
But she is also really a very very ill, emotionally needy, rather lonely girl. There is even a theory that she was supposed to have Multiple Personality Disorder. The scene where she goes for the interview seemed to prove this. Katie is nothing like she was in that interview. And it would explain her forgetting the murders.
But she hides it well, so people only see her pretty, vulnerable outside.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


Thanks for your responses. Just to add to my previous points:

1. I forgot about the postcard being the reason both of them were there, though I still question why he'd want to meet in a subterranean lake beneath a dorm (I guess he's just artsy). The way it's edited, it makes it seem like the performance space was somewhere in the dorm building, and when he walked away, he walked directly into the basement.

3. I meant kind of the same thing you did - it seems strange nobody would've stumbled upon Wade/Embry's bones before they demolished the building. It seems like they'd at least have to do a quick walk-through to ensure (even if it's an abandoned building) that nobody was inside, including random homeless guys.

I get that it's fiction, but it's fun to think about this stuff.
