MovieChat Forums > Wild Zero (1999) Discussion > Read this to find out the straight dope ...

Read this to find out the straight dope on WZ!

I enjoy low budget films, sh*t I am an indie producer can I not love no-budget non Hollywood films!
When I heard everyone talking about how great WZ was I had to find and watch it, so dropping $20 at a horror convention was not a problem, the guy who sold it to me told me "Be Prepare to be blown off my feet!"
Well he was right, this movie blows, but not my feet...
This movie was god awful from the bad acting to the ridiculous storyline. The effects were cheesy and the makeup was horrible.
I can see no redeeming qualities in this movie and think people have been force fed so many good reviews on this piece of crap that they start believing it was good.
The only thing I can say that I somewhat enjoyed was the music, the band did rock, but I rather watch VS, JUNK or Biohazard for a better attempt at Asian Zombie genre.
I know people are going to hate this review and try to justify why this was good, but like I've said in the past reviews are like buttholes everyone has one... In closing I would rate WZ a 2 out of 5.


It's awesome BECAUSE it's so bad!


No machine girl is so awesome cause its bad, street trash is so awesome cause its bad, even Peter Jacksons Bad Taste is awesome cause its bad. This was just plain bad....not 1 redeming quality, well except the guy who looks like an asain Steve
Sorry for the sloppy speeling I am hung over...


Are you hung over after playing the Wild Zero drinking game?



Lol... WZ drinking game...thats awesome!
I like the Evil Aliens drinking game...I never played the WZ game...
To the other dude...I respect you opinion...but I would hardly! call WZ the best zombie movie ever??
Check out Versus, Biohazard, even Junk...much better asian zombie flicks..
I really can not figure out for the life of me why WZ so popular??
I really wanted to like it... :(


Let me ask you, did you expect a GOOD movie or a FUN movie? There's a difference.

I'm not sure anyone's going to deny that Wild Zero is both incredibly cheesy and completely over-the-top. But it's loads of fun precisely for that reason.


I was expecting something like Save the Green Planet, which I think was a great movie, funny, fun, well done and chezzy but not over board.
I also enjoyed Machine Girl and Story of RikiO more then this.
I have seen enough Asian cinema to have a great respect for it, from the classic's like ringu, 2ldk to BR, I was just hoping it would be the same quality, at least that’s how it was explained to me at the convention.
People were buying this movie like it was Asian crack! So damn I ha to get mine!!
I think it was hyped up so much that I was expecting something more along the lines of VS. or BIOHAZARD and just felt it was to wacky, the effects (both the after effects and spfx) turned me off the most, at least they could have spent a little more time doing the zombie makeup??
Anyways I knew people who be all over me like white on rice (ha I made a funny, get it Asian movie, white, rice...ah forget it...)
I love foreign movies but just not this one...
I think I expected to much going into it and wish I never heard of anything about it, I think I would have enjoyed it better...
Anyways I am watching Tokyo Gore tonight and that’s also been hyped up and I am hoping its not going to be a big disappointment..
Peace to all and to all a good murder!
Bublenutz Production


Wild Zero isn't a zombie movie (btw it's way better than Biohazard)

It's the most awesome rock'n'roll,road,sci-fi,horror,love-story,gay,action,zombie,adventure movie EVER!



Even if you hate Uwe Boll, give Postal a try, be offended or entertained.


Sorry you miised the point of the movie, It Rocks! Maybe you are too old to get that, too bad. Exploding Zombie heads? Great stuff!
Laser Guitar pics YEAH! Trans gender love story? You wont find that in Rock and Roll High School. You say you're an indie producer, I doubt it, or else you could appreciate the attempt, Sorry but You do not have "The Straight Dope"
you just are one.
