MovieChat Forums > Thru the Moebius Strip Discussion > whats with all the phallic shapes

whats with all the phallic shapes

Let's be clear I am not trying to be sick and this is a perfectly valid question and observation: Is it just me or is the art leaning further away from the "fungus" definition and more to the "male organ of copulation" visual. Everything on that planet is either shaped like a penis, or getting rammed by one in the first 4 minutes of the movie's view of the alien world. I laughed myself all the way to this post, surprising that they would even go there after the little mermaid fiasco :) So what do you think? Were you shocked when the phallus fungus came ramming through the "gateway"?? I spit my drink out... [heh]

Maybe Sublime's 'Caress Me Down' would have proven a better choice of soundtrack for that introductory scene, no really!
