MovieChat Forums > Marci X (2003) Discussion > I would like to declare 2003 the "Y...

I would like to declare 2003 the "YEAR OF HORRIBLE MOVIES"

Let me think...How many terrible movies can we make in one year?
Let's review!

Dreamcatcher - This movie sucked for anyone with an IQ over 70. C'mon, the monster came out of your ass and Damian Lewis sucked.

Kangaroo Jack - For children between the ages of 5 and 6. One of the Stupidest plots ever.

From Justin to Kelly - Trying to immediatly cash in on fame.

Legally Blonde 2 - Stale remake of the original without the fun.

Gigli - Enough Said!

Yet to come out!!

Jeepers Creepers 2 - I cannot believe they made a second one after the first.

Marci X - Ah, Yes! We finally get to the board that we are on. I like Wayans, i feel sorry for him. The stiff white upper-crust vs. hip hop has been done WAY too many times already. It is not funny, period. Never was and still won't be. The ditsy blonde was just worn out (again) by LB2. The only funny thing (and most people won't get it) is the fact that Kudrow is a Jewish Princess. Anyone ever heard the expression "every Jewish girl thinks she's a princess"? It means shes spoiled. I won't spoil Kudrow by staying home from this one.



Your statement is ridiculous. Movies are there own entity. You should not have to read the book to understand the movie. What if a book was bad and the movie was good, would that mean the movie should graded on the book?



I read DREAMCATCHER and thought it was OK, but the movie was horrible. The new ending to the film was laughable.

Back to the topic, don't forget about HULK. The worst comic book movie since 97's BATMAN & ROBIN.

It's called a diablo martini...because it gives you a devil of a good time. Goulet!


The Hulk was not nearly as bad as everyone has made it out to be. It was a decent movie.

I hate the rave scene.


the movie itself was good, but the whole sub-plot of his dad ruined everything about the movie


yes i agree, everyone takes cracks at government officials and corporate big shots- but why don't we aim our weapons of dark humor and sarcasm at hollywood producers who spread their arse cheeks and crap out this sort of film. 2003 WAS the worst year ever as far as movies are concerned and i promise you that it will not get better in thhe future. 2003 also proved that the stupid tasteless people have wallets too and will spend them on the garbage hollywood produces.

on a side note: batman 5 looks AWESOME!


Other guy is essentially right- a movie is a movie, reading the source material it's adapted from should NOT EVER be necessary. If it's necessary, then you've failed in making the film. Dreamcatcher was a mightily dull book, so I haven't seen the movie- but whether the book is good or explains everything has absolutely no bearing on the quality of the movie. Feel free to say that the movie makes more sense after reading the book, but don't say that the movie is good, you just have to read the book first- it's wrong.


Just for the record, I liked Dreamcatcher (one of the few). It wasn't great, but it was entertaining, but then again, I like a lot of movies. So, on to the point of my post...

I didn't read the book, and I liked the movie. If I'd READ the book before watching the movie, then, I probably would have hated it due to the changed ending (I've read enough to know it was pretty drastic).

So, uh....I didn't read the book, thought it was ok, but if I did, I might've hated it. Just thought I'd throw that out.

Oh, and how 'bout you stop harassing anyone that replies to you? Totally uncalled for, says I.

Oh...and why not put this thread on the board it belongs under?


But a movie that was as confusing as Dreamcatcher, requires you to read.
Nothing wrong with reading the original book, of course, but if the story is so complex that it requires the average movie patron to go back and read a 900 page book to understand it, then the movie has failed - or shouldn't have been made. A movie, as the prior poster said, should stand on it's own, or it doesn't work. This is cinema, not a college final.

Hello...I must be going


How about Donnie Darko? For that one to make sense you have to read the theory of time travel book (on the website)... but that still is an excellent movie.

GRL Technology --



Maybe I exaggerated 'make sense'. After watching the movie, you might understand what happened. That all depends on how closely you listen for the little hints that they drop throughout the movie. However to gain true insight into what happened, and the theory behind what happened, you would have to read the book. For me personally, after seeing a movie as good as DD, reading the book was mandatory.

GRL Technology --




Read the book and seen and movie...the book wasn't too good to begin with (bottom third of Kings books in my opinion) and the movie was rather boring...though Freeman can deliver almost anything, even he couldn't lift the movie into mediocrity...well probably mediocrity comparing them to other storys by King adapted for the big screen (more often than not TV though)


English much?


One missed are Lizzie McGuire Movie and What a Girl Wants (I can only think tween movies)

My Bosses Daughter just seems likes it's destined to be crap. Probably has bad acting and a dumb story. (or it could be the next 'Citizen Kane' ;) )

Peter: There's a message in my Alpha-Bits! It says "OOOOOO."
Brian: Peter, those are Cheerios.


HOW TO DEAL is another tween classic from this year.

I love PROJECT GREENLIGHT but I think THE BATTLE OF SHAKER HEIGHTS is going to be really, really awful.

It's called a diablo martini...because it gives you a devil of a good time. Goulet!


Dumb And Dumberer was also pretty terrible


You haven't mentioned the Matrix Reloaded, Terminator 3, Stealing Harvard, Charlie's Angels, The Real Cancun (I know it isn't really a movie - but they did release it in theaters) all sheer cr*p.

As far as the argument about Dreamcatcher - first of all I led a group of 10 people out into the lobby to demand our money back - and if I have to read the book to understand the movie - it is cr*p, pure and simple. besides - the book wouldn't change the dreadful acting, the tone problems or the awful dialogue except for the fact that dialogue in some novels will work better on the page. Which probably menas this novel - like most Steven King - should never have made it to the screen!


I wouldn't say Reloaded and Terminator 3 are terrible, but they weren't terrific, Reloaded was better than T3 though





How weird is it that Jerry Bruckheimer made one of the better movies of the summer?



Stealing Harvard was 02,charlie's angels was bad,reloaded and T3 were good.
One of the worst movies this summer had to be legally blonde 2 uhhhh


The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen- awesome graphic novel, vile movie


oh man, i forgot about "How to Deal"!
My girlfriend loves every single movie we see together, but even she thought that "How to Deal" was bad.

Anyway, this is my greatest message board yet and it has only been 3 days. excellent!!
thanks for sharing the disgust and continue to comment!

"Its not that I'm lazy, its that I just don't care."-Petter Gibbons, Office Space


If it wasn't for the pending releases of Kill Bill and Once Upon a Time In Mexico, plus the release of Freddy Vs Jason, I'd have to agree



Don't forget to overlook Just Married, A Guy Thing, Le Divorce, The In-Laws, It Runs In The Family, and that animated Sinbad movie. Yuck...

Although I did enjoy S.W.A.T...



Best movies of 2003 of the summer are

Wrong Turn Way over looked, bad promotion
Xmen 2
28 days later
Freddy Vs Jason (they manage to pull it off with a nice storyline, good fight also)

Lets face it, August is for horror this summer and Freddy vs Jason is number 1 at the box office and i am sure from test screenings, Jeeper Creeper's 2 will succeed along with other horrors, Cabin Fever and the remake of the Texas chainsaw massacre in Oct. People want horror, all the comedy crap is going no where.


I happen to agree with you, but x-men 2, phonebooth, and solaris were pretty good. this november should be way better (last matrix movie, lotr,etc)the comedies have really sucked this year though.


I'll just assume you really screwed up and forgot to add Pirates of the Caribbean to that list. Because that I believe, is better then ANY of the films you mentioned.

PS. Marci-X really really really looks bad.



I would like to make the statement that I thought Dreamcatcher was good and I only read the first 20 pages. T3 was AWESOME also!!!!

the worst movies
1: Justin to Kelly (Never seen it though)
2: Gigli (Never seen it)
3: 28 days later
4: Hulk
5: Alex and Emma (Never seen it)

Freddy Versus Jason was also really cool.

Once upon a time in mexico looks great, but Kill Bill is I think where QT's reign has come to an end. It looks horrible. When I saw the preview, I was lauging internally, and I heard others laugh also. It looks like a Iron Monkey parody, and I though Iron Monkey sucked


28 days later was one of the best movies this summer rest ur list i aggree with
Kill Bill i think might be hit but it gonna be wierd because of it being 2 movies looks like killer movie


the worst movies
1: Justin to Kelly (Never seen it though)
2: Gigli (Never seen it)
3: 28 days later
4: Hulk
5: Alex and Emma (Never seen it)

Don't judge films you haven't seen. I just saw From Justin to Kelly and while it was terrible, I still don't think it deserves to be #2 on the bottom 100. It seems like as soon as a movie gets ripped apart by others, people jump on that trend and say its terrible too. But based off of the box office of these films, it is hard to believe that so many people have experienced Gigli or From Justin to Kelly and instead are doing what you did and ripping apart the films.

I know Marci X will likely be terrible, but until I see the movie, I cannot list it among the worst films I've ever seen.

As for 28 Days Later, it was a fun film and I can't really see your justification for it being the third worst movie of the year. Actually, out of that list, it is technically the worst movie of the year that YOU'VE SEEN.

