
This movie is has no depth. The acting is atrocious. It's sad that anyone likes this because there are far better movies out there with the same concept. I knew I hated it just from the first scene when one of the main characters oviouslly takes his last sip of a beer then later is scene still drinking that beer. The frames are completely off. The main character is not scary or terrifying. The last scene the overacting is just kind of hilarious.


Please, learn how to spell before citing your opinion on a movie that was meant to be taken with a grain of salt anyway. It's quite dramatic in an obvious way, therefore it's pretty easy to deduce that it was in fact meant to achieve an overly-emotional air. Good luck with your spelling and grammar. Good job trying to use "complicated" words while also failing miserably to spell properly.


tahnk you i whill try!!!!

