Best scene in the film?

In my opinion, it's the opening fight of Black Mamba vs Copperhead. It had lots of action, slapstick, over-the-top was tense, had some humor and left the viewer guessing.

Ironic, that it's one of the lower budget scenes of the movie. Like Tarantino's filmography itself, the lower the budget, (for whatever reason) the better.


The whole scene from her arrival in Tokyo to the fight against the crazy 88


Agree. The Crazy 88 sequence is phenomenal.


But the final confrontation with O-Ren was just masterful! This is my favorite scene from both films.


When she awakes from a 4 year coma and is able to walk normally a few hours later. :P

"When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all."



The intro and the part where Bill stops Elle from killing the Bride in the hospital.
I also love the ending with that beautiful music and the sick cliffhanger.


My word, I had that melody stuck in my head all day.

Hello...My name is Inigo Montoya...You killed my father...prepare to die.


The Bride meets Hatori Hanzo scene was phenomenal...
I also liked the whole sequence with the crazy 88...even before the masacre , right till the fight with gogo.
plus the final scene got me like , omg~~!!!!


the whole entire Hatori Hanzo scene


i agree. i love that


I agree. Very well done. Especially how they become buddy buddy once the little girl walks in. But, I don't get why Black mamba's name was bleeped.

Also, the most un-nerving scene was after the massacre at the church. An orderly at the hospital pimps out Black mamba when she is in a coma! That is bordering on necrophilia! Was hat scene cut from the theatrical release? I do not remember seeing it in 2003 in theatres. If it was cut out, its easy to see why.


That scene was definitely included in the theatrical release. The Bride biting the rapist's tongue off and slamming Buck's head in the door were a couple of things that made me cringe in the theater.

The sun is shining... but the ice is slippery.


The reveal when she is standing behind the lady with a sword in her back, after the Charlie Brown scene in the restaurant


"Now, if any of you sons of bitches got anything else to say, now's the *beep* time!"
Enough said! The whole scene was my favourite, and O-Ren Ishii is my favourite character. But basically all scenes in that movie are gold!
