MovieChat Forums > The Cat's Meow (2002) Discussion > What Evidence Was This Film Based On?

What Evidence Was This Film Based On?

The voice-over near the end of the film states that No Two Accounts from the witnesses who were on board the yacht matched when they were interviewed later.

So then on what actual evidence is this version of events based-Or is it all just speculation?



If I understand correctly, the events in the film are based upon what Orson Welles told Peter Bogdanovich. I hope the stories were more enthralling than the film.


Isn't this film adapted from a play? The screenwriter adapted his own stage play for the film.


W R Hearst's own granddaughter, Patricia, co-wrote a version of this story. It was a serviceable novel. I enjoyed it. I would think she might have some family stories handed down to her to base the book on.

*The Manitou is in and will take your calls now.
🐈  


There's more info about it in the trivia section of Citizen Kane

