MovieChat Forums > Batoru rowaiaru (2000) Discussion > Who was the girl in the braces?

Who was the girl in the braces?

At the beginning of the movie there was a girl in braces in the car that all the reporters were around? Who was she? I didn't see her the rest of the movie.

Really good movie if you ask me. Still haven't watched the second one. That will wait till next weekend.


She's a winner of a previous program, and is therefore from a different class to that featured in the rest of the film. She actually reappears in the second one.

Beware that the second film is massively inferior to the first. Like, Godfather Part 3 to Parts 1 and 2 inferior.

I'm Addy. Just Addy. From God, to Kane, to Addy.


Oh okay that makes sense. For some reason I thought she was the winner and they flashed back to the game she won.

Well I mean sequels are also inferior to the original but I got both movies as a gift so I have to watch the second one :)


I wouldn't want to talk you out of watching the sequel--just set your expectations much lower as you watch it.

In fact--and this is a weird piece of advice, but I keep giving it--I recommend giving BRII at least two viewings. One to get the storyline and all the crap out of the way, and a second to tune that stuff out and home in on the little moments and characters in the periphery that are actually pretty decent and almost as good as the stuff the first movie has to offer, but which are few and far in between and drowned out by all the loudness and awfulness of the rest of the movie.

It's such a shame that Toei chooses to make Requiem (the original theatrical version of BRII) the default version of the movie to distribute, when Revenge (the extended version) is a better experience. Revenge doesn't fix the problems that Requiem had, but it does add in more characterization, and tries a little harder to tie the sequel to the original.


Agreed, highly recommend the extended version if you have access to it.

I'm one of those weirdos who could stand both GF3 and BR2, as it happens...

I'm Addy. Just Addy. From God, to Kane, to Addy.


Godfather might not be the right analogy. A lot of people seem to like Part 3, judging by its IMDb score. This is more like, what Terminator 3 is to Terminator 2, or something. All of the gory spectacle, but the plot no longer makes any sense and the genuine emotion is replaced by sappy melodrama.

"I'm weak, and useless, but I'll stay by your side. I'll protect you."


True, but Godfather 3 was, for many years, stereotypically the very definition of a horrific film following a masterpiece (two, in this case). Which isn't to say it was horrific by itself, but by comparison with the earlier works.

Today, the Matrix sequels are perhaps better examples, since they hold up much better if considered standalones rather than one sequels to one of the most groundbreaking, and for many still among the best generally, films ever.

I'm Addy. Just Addy. From God, to Kane, to Addy.


Or maybe the second Pirates of the Caribbean film, where they apparently thought they could make an entire movie out of references to things people liked about the first one.

"I'm weak, and useless, but I'll stay by your side. I'll protect you."


Weird thing about the Matrix sequels is that they kinda became Terminator sequels. The whole idea of the Matrix slipped into the background behind the whole been-there, done-that 'war against the machine.'

Did anyone catch the Animatrix sets? These were far truer to what the matrix was about, and were actually quite good imho.

Edit: also it's all good advice in this thread on the BR sequel.


Terminator sequels indeed. There's a pretty good movie hiding inside the Matrix sequels - it just needs to lose a lot of fat, including literally everything that happens outside the Matrix. You lose practically nothing of value, and the whole thing would be a lot less senseless and dull.

I really liked the Animatrix as well. It explored a lot of ways you could take the concept. And there's nothing in Edge of Tomorrow or any of its ilk to match the horror of futuristic war shown in the Second Renaissance short.

"I'm weak, and useless, but I'll stay by your side. I'll protect you."


Dessek there's a fan edit of the sequels that removes all Zion parts. Might not be as many cuts as you'd like, but might be worth checking out all the same!

I'm Addy. Just Addy. From God, to Kane, to Addy.


Ooh, I need to go find this! Thanks for letting me know.

"I'm weak, and useless, but I'll stay by your side. I'll protect you."
