MovieChat Forums > Batoru rowaiaru (2000) Discussion > How can anyone take a movie like this wi...

How can anyone take a movie like this with even a pinch of seriousness??

Ive tried watching this movie for the first time ever, and everything about it is just so flawed, illogical and so stupid, its like it was wrote by a 12 year old or something.

First of all the whole idea in itself makes pretty much no sense and is very flawed.

So its a dis-topian world in Japan where school kids and youths are totally unruly, insubordinate and criminal and violent little brats basically (even though only the one who got his neck blown up before the games actually began, displayed such traits. The rest seemed alright) , and the way to reform them all and improve the conduct of school kids across to send them all to a deserted island and practiclly cull them all bar one?. What????, please explain the logic to me behind this????

How does sending a hand selected bunch of school kids from 9th grade into a kill fest like this achieve this?. Its the worst kids that are more likely to survive for a start, and the good kids who's conduct and attitude is more acceptable that are more likely to die. How can you become a reformed teen with a more acceptable attitude when your dead?. And what will become of the lone survivor who has had to kill and murder their way to survival, who probably never killed anyone in their life before and likely never wanted to, are they actually going to become a BETTER person because of it??, how ridiculous!!!. The whole concept is just a means with no end at all.

Some of the angles that happend were stupid to. You had one girl on the island jogging around in a yellow track suit caring about keeping fit. What???, is she incredibly stupid or something?. Your only priority should be to survive. Why expose yourself to danger in the first place by going out running around like your at a gym, making yourself more worn out and burning off valuble calories, when any moment, you could need all the energy you could muster to prevent yourself from being killed.

Then you had that stupid dumb school girl, who was hiding herself whilst holding a gun, a boy came along armed with only a tracking device, she got to see who he was before he detected someone was there, then all of a sudden she springs out, bang bang bang bang bang.....oh sorry, didnt mean to shoot you about 5 times, your a boy that i know is alright who wouldent wanna hurt me, please excuse my dumb mistake while you die from bullet wounds.

Why are movies like this, Hunger Games and Divergent so popular????


Yes, it is intended to be just one long absurdist dark comedy, but some viewers fail to realize that. You know how kids enjoy a movie where teachers get killed? This one if for parents of unruly kids, to see the unruly kids get killed. All fantasy of course.

Mr Yoshi
