Worst Episode

hands down episode 23 Hot Planet Tenrei, it was totally unecessary except for how the casters came about.


ha, worst episode, take it that u hav no sense of humor, that was one of the best, eps, it may not hav been like any normal episode, but it was different and very funny., i rate it top class


Thats my fav to


Demon of the Water Planet was pretty pointless, it's one of the worst. Law and Lawlessness was just stupid and I can't believe that the guest characters in THAT crappy episode get revived in Angel Links. I forget his name (the alligater guy) was such a friggn' jerk.


There is no worst episode. This anime is easily my favorite.

Cowboy Bebop comes in at a close second ^-^


Episode 23 made me laugh to no end. Can't quite find a bad episode in this series, they are great and they keep the story moving forward. I like to think that episode 23 is a relaxing break from all of the violence and tension and treats you to a rewarding half hour of laughter.

Dust off the TV screen, it's bothering my chickens.


Episode 23 was the funniest episode in outlaw star, it was absolutely hilarious. That's in my top five for the greatest episodes in outlaw star.


Ep 23 was good, I was cracking up when Suzuka belted the mascot for the water park.

I don't hate any episode in particular but I was bothered by the way Gene roughed up Melfina in an earlier episode for getting cozy.


I haven't seen the show in six years (though I'm thinking of buying it), but the only episode I can remember disliking was the one with the psychic cactus.

The best way to answer the question of Best Episode (I'm a glass-half-full guy) is just to vote on the individual episodes (they're under Overview > Episode List) and just see how they stratify out.


True, this is the perfect show/anime. I love all the episodes and this continues (to this day) being my favorite telvision program of all-time... needless to say it's the best anime.

I'll swallow your soul!
Liberals suck...


How could you dislike the episode with the cactus? It was hilarious. No one knew what was going on!

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My least favorite episode had to be the last one. In general, the way the ending was written seemed quite half-hearted, especially when dealing with the MacDougall brothers.


i completely agree. It just seemed to run out of steam with the last couple of episodes and try to kill off all the remaining assassins and pirates as quickly as they could.



I didn't like the idea of the Mcdougalls surviving. You think that after Harry "dies" he atoned somewhat, but we find out he downloaded his personality into the ships computer and he is right back to wanting to kill Gene Starwind. The whole love triangle between Gene,Melfina, and Harry was kinda screwed up.



This was my problem with the anime's romance. If anything, the Melfina/Harry relationship was developed more than the Gene/Melfina romance. I think it's a little odd since Gene is the main protagonist and Harry is not.

Still, with the fate of the MacDougalls, it just seems to signal a non-existant sequel more than anything else.



Couldn't have put it better myself. I think the Gene/Melfina relationship seemed to be more like that of really good friends than that of lovers.


"Couldn't have put it better myself. I think the Gene/Melfina relationship seemed to be more like that of really good friends than that of lovers."

I got the same impression. Gene was never really interested in her. He was always cutting out to hang out with hookers at the local bars. Good way to start a relationship huh???


lol, yes.




no way! this series needed an episode that was wacky judging from the direction it was going


Even though episode 23 was funny it semed to me very pointless the only thing it was explain the history of caster shells.


#15 The Seven Emerge just didn't work for me.

And #20 Cats Girls and Spaceships was good except I hated to see Jim lose his first love.

I liked the one with the cactus, thought it was funny, though a little disturbing.
Reminded me of the Bebop episode with the space lobster that went bad.

I really liked Gravity Jailbreak.

and of course the Space Race was cool especially when they ride the Ether Stream.

I see #23 as a last bit of fun before the show gets serious and then ends.
It blew my brain when I saw it, and I am glad I wasn't watching it with kids around. Last time I saw this series was on CN so I was extremely shocked at all the nudity. That episode alone had more nudity than all other anime I have ever watched, and it did seem to be out of place in an otherwise non-ecchi anime.

I liked the way the show ended, and am glad Harry got his heroic moment, but of course I yearn for more Outlaw Star, and can't believe its over.

The makers of this show really knew how to leave you wanting for more


To be to the point none of the episodes sucked...so this thread is useless.


Agreed. And why is everyone so eager to talk about the fanservice episode? Are you all children or something? Actually not agreed -- Law and Lawlessness was fairly poor.


i have to agree with the majority of people on this board. For once there is an anime i like all the episodes although i could say the same for deathnote. I loved episode 23. I mean come on the whole space pirate guy chasing gene and always getting hit by something...hilarious. I give it an A just for those scenes. And the cactus episode when Melfina is crushing the cactus. I think Outlaw Star is one of the best animes ever because it ended at the right time. unlike anime like berserk or gantz that end when the story is just getting more dramatic.

"Here's a spoiler, 'you will die alone.'" (triumph the insult comic dog)


Thanks everyone for replying to my post i would of never thought it would still be going after three years. I do truly love all the episodes but if i had to choose one it would have to rest with my original decision. Outlaw Star is truly a great anime. It was one of the best to ever grace the face of Cartoon Network; it will surely be missed.


I'm surprised nobody mentioned the wrestling match episode, #18. Maybe it was funny to see Gene in drag, but otherwise it just seemed a filler episode to give Gene another way to get money from Fred.
