
WTF?!!! Did the young guy get the money or not--he could have fled w/ his chick even if he didn't. I actually liked the movie, but like some of the comments, I have to say that it seems like they ran out of budget and cut off the last 10-15 minutes or something. Anybody have any ideas???


Didn't you read the ending? They got the tickets and the money and have been living in Italy ever since.


Yeah, I believe they retrieved the key and got the money because it mentioned that they flew first class and are now living in Italy, which I'm guessing would have took a decent amount of cash to pull off, especially since they emphasized that he was financially strapped earlier in the film.

Ending was odd, I'm guessing the old guy was the Milton character that the mob guys were always referencing? It seems to me that much of this film was left on the editing floor as I can't believe with that cast of actors, that the choppy, mostly incoherent final product was the original intention. Except for those characters that were killed, most of the others were just left hanging in limbo at the closing. Got to think that this film was intended to be way more than it was and hence that's why it ended up as a straight-to-video type release. At least I hope that was the case as it was a pretty bad effort all the way around.
