Margot + Richie.....

Spoilers ahead...

I can't help but feel it is wrong, that they're in love. That scene in the tent when they kissed made me feel uncomfortable. I know they're not related by blood, but they're still siblings and have grown up together as's wrong...right?


It's... frowned upon


I applaud your answer, Master_Jay! Sorry it took three years for you to receive proper recognition on this one.


What isn't, these days?


blood or not, they grew up as siblings and they know each other as such. they are incapable to feel love normal couples feel between each other.
brother and sister to fall in love, especially when young just suggest of idiot parents.

also Margot never showed any sign of love to Richie (or actually to anyone), she was just sad all the time, no more than that.


I doubt Richie ever considered Margot a true sibling, considering his childhood obsession with her. So I don't think it's that odd personally.

Sat and forever am at work here.


Yes it was kind of creepy, but in light of the fact that Richie was the closest to their dad and Royal always treated her like an outsider, not a true part of the family and made of point of saying it every time she was introduced, contribute to Richie not viewing her as a true sibling.

Whatchoo Lookin' At??


What was odd about them is what they found out all she had done in her past. She was messed up pretty bad. Her character was glossed over for the sympathetic ending they gave her. I wondered what he felt he could do to have a loving relationship with someone so messed up. She was a real sleaze ball.


I wouldn't call Margot a sleazeball more of a slut. Even though she put on this super serious face on, apparently her feelings didn't run very deep, she was a bit of a bimbo on the emotional level.

This makes me believe Ritchie will just force Margot to have a relationship with him and she'll go along, cause she doesn't care enough to say no.

And Ritchie attempted suicide cause he had all his dreams with Margot destroyed when he learned about her true nature. Previously he'd held her up on a pedestal. But he's resilient, and still loves her, so there's nothing else he can do.

I got the impression, Margot represented many negative aspects of femininity, while Ritchie represented masculinity. (ship captain, beard, hawk)


I disagree. I think they were both in love with each other. They just couldn't express it in any "normal" way so she reached out to different men to try to get the closeness that she once shared with Richie. I think she knew he was in love with her and didn't know how to handle it. I don't think he knew she felt the same until the tent scene. It was weird but it seemed right.



The important factor is genetics. Close-blood-relative procreation represents inbreeding, which is genetically unhealthy.
But Ritchie and Margot would probably produce very fortunate genetic products, and should not be prevented from doing so.

The story is king.


Ritchie and Margot would probably produce very fortunate genetic products.

Only if we define "very fortunate" to include an astoundingly high predisposition to depression.


I think that if they both had an inherited predisposition, their depression would have been pointless in the story. It would not have been the romantic and life events they encountered, but just a chemical imbalance that makes anything a seeming cause, or trigger, of depression, as even Buzz Aldrin's walk on the Moon was to him.

So, in keeping with the romantic theme of Margot & Richie, we should believe that any depression suffered by either of them, was not just an inevitable chemical condition of their brains, but caused by external events and persons. Otherwise, The Royal Tenenbaums becomes just a kind of disease-of-the-month movie regarding Margot & Richie.
The story is king.


There are some posters on this thread who have failed to comprehend Margot's character. She was played brilliantly by Gwyneth Paltrow. Her relationship with Richie reminded me of the young lovers from Anderson's later film Moonrise Kingdom.

I give my respect to those who have earned it; to everyone else, I'm civil.


They also grew up with Eli. He was there all the time, but just not related by blood. Yet no one thinks there is something wrong with Margo and Eli being together.

Wait! Does this also mean putting out doesn't get you love?


They didn't grow up in the same family with Eli. There is a difference.

Earth without art is just "eh."
