Home Alone

When Ripley and his friend starts preparing the house for battle, I came to think about Home Alone and the slapstick humor... You can understand that it was hard to take this film seriously after that...


If they were fans of the film they mave have had more success. A bucket of paint on a rope from a banister, hell yeah.

Broken christmas decorations by the window, have some of that!!

"Knowing how the world works
Is not knowing how to work the world"



Can you imagine Ripley and Trevvany setting up an iron to fall down a clothes shoot. They shood have put micro-machines at the bottom of the stairs.Tarr
all over the steps.


Ahahah! I thought just the same in that scene. Dude, it resembled perfectly "Home Alone". I was dying to see Ripley putting a hot iron on the front door doorknob.


It's more than likely to be taking from a film called 'Straw Dogs' a slow but great film.
