Banned from store

Lmao why he was fired so he gets banned


Banning him from the store was a bit much. He was fired for misconduct but he wasn't a threat (that they knew of). There was no reason to freak out that he was coming to the store as a customer. Otherwise, this movie is flawless.


But, nobody dies\murdered, so it's anti climatic...a 2 hour exercise in futility.

That's the reason the sheriff is sacrificed in "Misery." If he ain't killed she ain't killed. & if she ain't killed the fact that she saved Caan's life hits the front page.


It's a psychological character study, not a horror film. It didn't need a murder.


You don't have to have a [horror film] for a life to be taken.

Domestic disturbance & workplace politics is bereft of weight here, AP.

Williams topsy turvy of character is cute & quaint, but, it's not cause for a full production.


I've seen character studies that have less action than this. It certainly held my attention for two hours.


Personally (She) held my attention for two hours. & she was leading him on.

& Cole always pushes the right buttons.
