MovieChat Forums > One Hour Photo (2002) Discussion > Larry the Agfa photo guy

Larry the Agfa photo guy

Sy cared a lot about his work. The scene with Larry the Agfa guy dropping F Bombs and *beep* in front of customers. Bill, aptly named after his role in Office Space, didn't seem to respect this. Just defending that scene.


Yep, this film showcased the stereotypical *asshat* boss. Especially in retail.

I had a boss exactly like Bill, only it was a female. She didn't care one whit how hard you worked or how you treated the customers well or even if the product was good!

I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus.
Didn't he discover America?
Penfold, shush.


I too worked in retail, merchandising a Grocery store. And I made a ruckus like Sy did putting a cap on that gig. Good thing I work in Sound and film to focus on. Btw Bill from Office Space "Lumberg *beep* her"


Welllllll, Peter. What's happenin'?

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.
