MovieChat Forums > One Hour Photo (2002) Discussion > Top 10 Robin Williams Performances

Top 10 Robin Williams Performances

Actor. Comedian. Legend. The late, great Robin Williams made generations of fans laugh, cry and marvel at his incredible talent. Here is Matt’s Movie Reviews picks for the Top Ten Robin Williams Performances. tml


World According To Garp


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Robins' GREATEST performance was without a doubt... Life itself.

Robin had a tortured soul which he usually kept hidden from public view fairly well. Occasionally, he would let his mask slip just for a brief moment and you would see little cracks through his "performance" on life's stage, and realize that he had some hurt inside of himself. Not always from what he would say or do, but from his silence or the look on his face or eyes. For the most part, he kept his persona on, as that's the RW that people expected of him. And frankly, most fans would not have noticed anyway, because it wasn't the RW that people wanted to see.

*Edit: Changed "with" to "without"


I believe you mean "without a doubt" there. And I agree with you.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


Oh my goodness! Thank you for alerting me to this error. Totally changes the meaning, doesn't it 


Yeah kinda, and you're welcome. We all make minor mistakes.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.
