I dont think so.

Th most unrealistic thing about this whole movie is the fact that no way in hell would a hot peice of ass like amanda bynes would ever hang out with a little homo like frankie. See I believe everything else in the movie except that.


Do you belive that a group of Cast and Crew members would actully help the little homo get back at the director?

And the fact that the Homo went all the way to Hollywood and did all that junk JUST so his dad knew that though he is a compulsive LIAR, he's not LYING about this!!!!???

Face it, the movie totally sucks

The biggest thing that bothers me was that Muniz saw the Teaser Trailer for his movie idea, JUST THREE DAYS after he lost it! First off, the story seems kinda stupid, and secondly, they didin't even start filming in the next scene!!!!

Why would they make a Teaser for the movie if it is uncurtain that the movie will be finished? Dosen't a movie have to wait til post-production to make a Trailer... but THEY WEREN'T EVEN ON PRE'PRODUCTION!!!!

Also, What kinda producers would want this movie to be made? I mean, some guy get's big becuase he falls in love... LAME!!

And then we see the movie at the end...

That part in the movie was soo totally *beep* broing!

He is big, then gets small and the girl likes looks at all the broken homes and the people he's crushed and goes "Woah, you leave big makrs" or something and he looks, smiles and says "Yeah" and then they look at the camera...

that movie might even be worse then the real Big Fat liar!!!!

"You were expecting the Adams Family?"


Muniz saw the Teaser Trailer for his movie idea, JUST THREE DAYS after he lost it!
Wrong. It was months later.


Oh... Well, I haven't seen it since I saw it in theater, it was still stupid that he saw a Teaser for a movie that wasen't finished....

"You were expecting the Adams Family?"


Trailers come out for movies before theyre finished, but not before filming. Thats stupid - where is the footage from?

Stupid stunts and random chaos!


Exacly. And then when we go back to the Hollywood thingie, they are still talking about how to film that exact scene (with the foot). Plus, how come someone would steal such a stupid idea.

"You Can't Stop Me. I'm the Messenger"
