How did he know?

In the scene when Eddie is waiting for Gwen (but its really Kiki), he looks up at the entrance/exit of the restaurant, suggesting that he is watching her appear. But she did not appear on our screens until the shot after he looked to see her. So what boggles my mind is, how did he know she was even GOING TO APPEAR??? It's soooooo bizzare!!

All my life, I've lived for loving you....Let me go now!


I think he was just looking up from the table, because he knew Gwen was supposed to meet him, so I guess he was just waiting for her so he kept looking up. It seemed like it was just some anxious nervous kinda thing becuase when he saw Kiki he kinda did a double take.

"Don't eat the black jellybeans, they taste disgusting, its just my opinion.. but its true."


It might have been in his mind that he was seeing Gwen appear. Also, maybe from a distance the sisters look alike so he got them confused. Remember the whole pool scene is the same thing.
