Solid 6/10

Stanley Tucci was a highlight and stole the movie (in my opinion), I thoroughly enjoyed every scene he was in.

BC is always funny but the performance lacked a little something. Still strong though.

CZJ was pretty much there to look good and wasn't particularly funny (but that's okay).

JR walked through the film and took the pay cheque. Not her best performance, but still a cut above the average.

JC (see above).

HA was a waste of time and made no contribution to the film (it was pretty unbelievable that a woman that looked like CZJ would be interested in him at all - especially considering that he is a total loser)..why didn't they just get a Spanish actor? It would have worked so much better (Antonio Banderas anyone?).

CW (jury's out) - I struggle to see him in roles like this, has anyone seen The Deer Hunter?

Had some genuine belly laughs with this so I will give it a solid 6/10 as well.
