Who Is Older?

Which sister, Kiki (Julia Roberts) or Gwen (Catherine Zeta-Jones) is supposed to be older? I always thought that Kiki was older, but my sister thinks Gwen is. Did they ever make it clear in the movie?


It's not that important in the film who is older but i always thought it was supposed 2 b Gwen because before, Kiki sort of looks up 2 her as an older sister and because she becomes famousKiki becomes her personal assistant but i'm not really sure!


wow, I was just about to ask that.. but yeah, I thought Gwen was older because, well... the older sister's usually the bossier one (and I'm an only child so I must be wrong).


No,your not wrong (hey,give me a break,I'm the baby of my family)
I can't remember if there was anything in there that indicated who was older.I'll have to watch it again.



Although Julia is a few years older than Catherine, I have to say that I think that Kiki is younger, because older children (typically) seem to be able to not be dragged down by their younger siblings willingly. It just seems illogical for Kiki to wait on Gwen on hand and foot, and to not have admired Gwen at some point throughout their young lives. I dunno maybe I have some stuff mixed up, I'm an only child, so it's not like I am speaking from personal experience. Just a thought.

"And then some." -CZJ in "Cago"


wow...I guess I'm one of the very few people that got the impression that Kiki was supposed to be older. There's not a lot to back up my feeling, but I'll explain my reasons anyway.

First off, in the movie they want you to see that Gwen often acts like a child who needs to be taken care of..and that's exactly what Kiki big sis of Gwen (I think) is always doing..taking care of her, in an almost maternal or "BIG SIS" kind of way. Like when Gwen asks her for help getting through the junket, (or whatever the hell they're talking about) it's like she pretends to look up to her so Kiki will help her. And Kiki is always like "yeah its gonna be OK".. ya know something to that effect. Who knows, maybe Gwen's just a lazy bratt. lol

Second, Kiki mentions her age in the movie. 33. This could just be me, but I got the impression that Gwen wasn't supposed to be quite that old. Obviously they are both around the same age though, seeing as they went to school together. (Kiki and Gwen not CZJ and Jules)

Anyway whatever, that's just my opinion. Hope it helped. :D


I thought Kiki was older - typically older sibling looking after the younger.
I think kiki is supposed to be the "forgotten" or "underestimated" sister who eventually comes into her own.

But it could easily be the other way around.

Gwen could be older and out of sympathy gave her little sis a job.


Dorian Gray: I'm an immortal, sir, not a gazelle.


I would have to say that Gwen is older.KiKi has a line in the movie where she says I was the one who had to dump your boyfriends in high school not you.So there for I think that Gwen is older and makes kiki do stuff for her like then she made her dump her boyfriends.I don't know but Im sure Catherine is oldest.


Maybe they're twins. Obviously not identical, but they've always been together, and Kiki has always taken care of Gwen, and Gwen has always relied on Kiki and basically held her hand as she waltzed through life.

The more i think of this possibility, the more likely it seems.



You know I never thought of that, but I don't think that they are twins. I was always under the impression that Kiki was older.


But if KiKi is older why would Gwen make her do stuff.Doesn't the older one normally make the younger one do things for them?Thats what my siblings do to me!

I don't know do you...?


i think kiki is the older more responsible sister who just cleaned up all of gwens messes and looked after her.


I thought Kiki was older - typically older sibling looking after the younger.
I think kiki is supposed to be the "forgotten" or "underestimated" sister who eventually comes into her own.

that was also my impression:
-kiki taking care of gwen in a mother-like way.
-kiki not being treatening to gwen. had gwen be the eldest, i think she'd always secretly be afraid of being replaced with her younger sister(even though kiki was supposedly less pretty), so she would keep her at a distance to prevent any unflattering(for gwen) comparisons.


I got the impression that Kiki is older, too. I know that if my younger sister made it big and needed a publicist, I'd do it for her. It's kind of like a protection thing, I guess.


Well, my guess is Kiki cause I could be wrong.

Kiki didn't really look up to Gwen. It seemed Gwen kinda just let Kiki protect her and do things for her. I.e., "Kiki-kins", their bathtub talk about Kiki breaking up with boys for Gwen.

But hey, I could be wrong. I just figured Kiki was... I'll have to rewatch it. I suggest you do to get your answer.


I got the impression that Gwen was the older sister. I gathered that from the scene where Gwen is taking her bath and the sisters are talking about high school and how Kiki used to have to dump Gwen's boyfriends for her. It seems to me like for that to work, it seems more plausible that Kiki would be the younger one!


I think that Kiki is older..
I can't explain why..maybe she just looks older?? or um...I just think that Gwen seems like the younger one..who is spoiled and depends on her OLDER sister for everything..and I think that the YOUNGER siblings are the talented ones!:D And Gwen is the movie star..which makes her talented..so yes...those are my thoughts on this topic!:D:D:D
*And All That Jazz*


gwen by far, but just by a couple of years, like two or three, just by the way she bosses kiki around. also, kiki was fat, and gwen was thin, which gave kiki a good role model.


Yep i think that kiki is older coz of the way she looks after the bratty gwen


i think Kiki is younger, because in the scene where she's washing Gwen's back, she talks about how she always had to break up with Gwen's boyfriends in high school. i dunno, that just gave me the impression of kiki being the younger one

"So, Duffy, have any theories to go with that tie?" ~Paul Smecker, The Boondock Saints



As far a Kiki breaking up with Gwen's boyfriend's for her, it would make more sense that Kiki is older.

Generally speaking, hot girls date older guys. So Gwen would be dating guys in Kiki's grade. Which means Kiki would already know the guys and be the ideal choice to let them down easy.

It wouldn't really make sense for a younger sister to be doing this. The guys would be like four or fives years older than her.


do any of you have a younger sister who bosses you around? I certainly do, and it just makes more sense to me that Gwen would boss Kiki around because she was the younger, spoiled one who always got what she wanted. Parents tend to side with the younger child and make the older child give in to whatever the younger one wants. It probably didn't help that Gwen was prettier than Kiki, making it easiar for their parents to give in to her, 'cause they thought she was cuter.
Anyway, this is just my opinion, I could be wrong


yap! i'm the youngest sister in our family and I boss around my 10 years OLDER sister.....sometimes of course ;):P:D

and I THINK Kiki was older sister. she always did everything Gwen wanted because she was a star and because she was spoiled. i have to admit that i'm kinda spoiled too. that's because they let me to be like that. if they let me to push them around then i will push them around right? :P anyway - that's my opinion and I'm usually right about these things...(lol)...i kinda sence them.

and what's the bloody difference anyway?!? :P:D


What if they're the same age?


I definatly thought Kiki was the older sister!! The only reason I could see her sticking around when Gwen treats her so badly is because she is worried that her younger sister wouldnt be able to cope without her... therefore, she stays is a protective capacity!

I think the bossiness and other factors that make Gwen seem older have come from her career path and from growing up being the 'prettier' sister. She has more confidence.


I always thought of Gwen as the older one.

"Can't I make you understand? You're having delusions of grandeur."- Glinda, Wicked


i always thought Gwen was older too. it could be either though. Gwen's older so she's bossier and makes kiki do stuff. or kiki was older but because she was fat before she didn't have a lot of confidence, so she did whatever Gwen wanted her to (also because she was older she would protect Gwen, like breaking up with her boyfriends, etc.)

Treehuggers Unite!
My belongs to McDreamy!


I think Kiki is older, too.

I watched it on TV with subtitles, which is in Korean, and our language has two words for 'sister': little sister and big sister. Nothing in between. There is also a word for 'female sibling', but that is not what we call people by. So the subtitle guy made a choice; Kiki was older.

I was surprised that so many people guessed that she was rather younger. Maybe it was the influence of the subtitles, but I thought Kiki being older seemed so natural that I didn't have a doubt until I read these posts. Because she is far more mature and responsible.


I always went with Kiki being older.


I think Kiki is the younger sister. Gwen isn't looking for protection; she's just plain manipulative. She bosses Kiki around like Kiki's a servant or something. If my younger sister did that to me, she'd be picking up her teeth off those beautiful tile floors. (obviously I'm the oldest)
Even if Kiki was overweight (I do not like the word "fat") and the older sister, she doesn't seem the type to just give Gwen whatever she wants or let her order her around.
She always seemed to me to be Gwen's younger sister, who very likely had a crush on Eddie, which nobody noticed. Remember the look on her face when she was talking about how he used to sing "Yellow Submarine" to Gwen and save the mangos for her? Major crush.

You are so BAD!!! Come sit next to me.


For me it didn't matter either way. Kiki did things for people who she thought needed her. She was being the responsible one. Maturity and age are two different things but Kiki was the protective one and very responsible. There was no real backstory to suggest who was younger or older. It's all a guess.

Funny that MANY PEOPLE on here think Kiki (HAS TO BE) YOUNGER for Gwen to have used her to break up with her high school boyfriends. That could go either way. Kiki being older would sit them down and explain how Gwen has moved on and the boys take it seriously because she's older and more mature.
The other hand being younger Kiki would go and say, "my sister doesn't like you anymore... see yah!". "HAS TO BE YOUNGER BECAUSE..." just doesn't make a DEFINITE.

Just sayin'...


Gwen is older.

This is from the trivia section for this movie:

Julia Roberts is 2 years older than Catherine Zeta-Jones, yet in the movie it is strongly implied that Gwen (Zeta-Jones) is the older sister of Kiki (Roberts).

"I'll set my course by you my northern star"


Gwen is definitely the older sister. She got married before Kiki and she's a star while Kiki is her personal assistant. Naturally, your younger sibling will do all your "dirty work". There are many scenes in which Gwen bosses Kiki around. I mean no older sister in the world would be willing to lick her younger sister's feet. Or may be there are people like that in the case of Kiki.
