Majora's Mask or Wind Waker?

Both Majora's Mask and The Wind Waker are direct sequels/gaidans to Ocarina of Time. Which one do you think was a better, more enjoyable sequel?

I found Majora's Mask much more enjoyable because it was longer, better story, and Majora was a cool last boss. Plus, I love how you can transform into a Goron, Zora, Deku, and Demon. Now only that, but is amazing that you can play the game different each time. You can rewrite history. Plus, all the mini-quests (like the one where you help the couples find eachother) are amazing. This is also by far, the most original Zelda game ever. It used the same battle/graphic system as OoT but that because they were on the same system. I felt the Wind Waker tryed too hard to make the battle system better that the story and game length suffered. Wind Waker is fun but I feel Majora has much more to offer.

What are your thoughts?


I just liked the graphics better on wind waker because I don't like how everything is pointy and square on majora's mask and ocarina of time. But they're all awesome games. And I really can't wait for the new gamecube version to come out this year!



yes but the creators wanted Wind Waker to be more childish to reflect the childness of Link. Link has been a child in all the Zelda games so far except for Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time, and the new game Twilight Princess (for which you need to check out the trailer on Since Link is a child in Wind Waker, the creators wanted to reflect that in the animation, which may or may not have been a good choice. To each his own in choosing games.


Majora's mask is 10x the game Wind Waker could ever be!!!


wind waker was better. I couldn't deal with the fact I'd do something like snowhead and then instantly it was all snowy again, that just wrecked my head. How many times did i have to unfreeze that poor old goon? Also completly finished the last temple, all set to go into the bosses lair when that five minute timer popped up. Cue having to do the entire thing again. Ridiculous stuff. Wind waker was great craic.


the Wind Waker was, and is gravely underestimated. It's a great Zelda game with great bosses, dungeons plot and general gameplay. Even though the character design is kinda... y'know?
But Legend of Zelda (2005) will beat them both!


Well, i'd say I liked MM better, but... I just ordered WW off of eBay. Sooooo, Wind Waker. Definately. There's nothing wrong with MM, I just like sailing around, and looking at all the goofy expressions in WW! Plus there are some side quests... just not as much as before.
Oh, and to avoid confusion, I borrowed this game from someone once. I haven't played it in like two years and want to! It was fun, all the goofyness... I thought "Hey, I have money. I'm buyin' it!"

Please don't poke the old people! Thanks.



Majora's Mask. It's Far batter and it's cooler


Mazoras Mask is the best.Wind Waker is good but not that good.


I liked Wind Waker but I couldnt get into the graphics. It just wasnt LOZ. So I would say I liked MM more.

Best Zelda games:

1.Ocarina Of Time
2.The Legend of Zelda
3.A Link to the Past
4.Maoras Mask
5.The Minish Cap
6.Wind Waker
7.Four Swords
8.Zelda 2:Adventure of Link
9.Links Awakening
10.Oracle of Ages/Oracle of Seasons

11.Zeldas Adventure
12.Wand of Gamalon


I have to say I liked Wind Waker better. I've never been one to judge a game solely by graphics, as far too many do for WW, to me, they're just icing on the cake if they're great. And you have to understand that they didn't try to make it all cool and realistic looking, just something different, and, as was said, cartoony to reflect Link's age. Also, it's just a different looking style, it's not an altogether different formula of game, and it's not as though the environments weren't detailed either; the wind blows and moves grass and stuff, waves move, it actually can rain on its own, etc.

It also combined many of the past games into it, such as the feeling of exploration that you got with Zelda 2, and the chart getting filled in as you move like in Link's Awakening, it has basically the same kind of system as in the two N64 games, what with the whole passing of time thing, and I guess you could say just the 3-dimensional world. It is a pretty standard thing now and was for the 64, but different games just have different layouts, styles, or methods of navigation within the 3D world. And that is also something great about Wind Waker: the navigation. I was so happy to have the Great Sea and being able to sail around it. The world in Majora's Mask seemed too small to me, but Wind Waker has as big a world as you could hope for, even with the small size of some islands. True, some are passable, but most deserve a stop because they may have an interesting thing or two on their own, if not for actual story or quest purposes. Exploring the world made for hours of enjoyment for me, and a sense of sometimes some mystery, but mostly of freedom, something I love in videogames, and indeed that is probably a lot of the reason the GTA games are so successful and most likely the main selling point for the Elder Scrolls games, and the draw for me.

Each Zelda game has had something unique about it since the start. The original was, what, the first RPG/adventure game ever. The second was a side-scroller (not a selling point for me though) with an entirely new combat system as well as one of upgrades and character development (however basic it is now) and a considerably sized world for the time. A Link To The Past may well have been the most enjoyable one of all with the warm and happy land of Hyrule and then its evil and macabre counterpart, The Dark World, which is made even more sweet because you got to know Hyrule so well, and then to see it so crude and perverse gives a feeling of newness, despite the same map, and a sense of a mission; to restore this land. Link's Awakening opens an entirely new land with a new bunch of characters and the new ability to, one, wield whatever combinations of weapons or items you wanted, two, new weapons and items, a couple found in no other of the games. Ocarina Of Time was quite simply amazing with its fair-sized world and the abilty to travel between two time periods, in some ways repeating that of The Dark World from LttP, not to mention the excellent combat system and 3D world. Majora's Mask introduced a twisted world based off of that of OoT, but altogether different and the form-altering masks were introduced. With Oracle of Ages and Seasons you could travel through time again, but even more and in two different, respected ways. Minish Cap offers you the ability to shrink to a size so that a clover towers above you as would a tree. Wind Waker's uniqueness comes from having such a huge world, eager to be explored, full of characters and wonder and surprises. I can't say as though I'd trade all the other special things for this, but it is certainly one of the more noteworthy catches.

Sorry for such a long post and I can only hope it wasn't a waste of time, I just wanted to share my thoughts, but I guess it did end up long-winded, but I can never edit what I write so there it is.

Oh yes, I forgot to say that the concept of the Twilight Princess, however little we actual know, I think may have the potential to be the greatest Zelda game ever, so let's all cross our fingers and hope this game puts Nintendo back on the map! Didn't they also say that games are being made for all of their major franchise characters for the Revolution? That means another Zelda game is in the works. When it comes out I'll have to check if I haven't died and gone to heaven.
