The moon..

Sorry if this is obvious or not, but I have not played the game. But anyway, my friend told me that the moon was actually ganon. This true?


Nope. The moon is either just the moon or another entity altogether, but it's not Ganon.

If I wanted to hear the pitter-patter of little feet, I'd put shoes on my cat


I see. 'Cause he was saying that there was clues and whatnot, saying that some evil sorcerer was sealed into the moon and some other things, which linked to ganon. But yeah, I guess he was wrong.


I'm sure this game has a lot of interesting theories circling it....a long time ago I read someone's take on the Fierce Deity's Mask and the four bosses you fight before going to the was quite long, but it was really intriguing.

If I wanted to hear the pitter-patter of little feet, I'd put shoes on my cat


a long time ago I read someone's take on the Fierce Deity's Mask and the four bosses you fight before going to the moon

Someone on here said that they'd written a term paper all about the theory of what that world on the moon was. They said that it had something to do with the mask salesman, on account of the fact that those kids running around wanted to sell masks, and they looked a lot like the mask salesman. I never got to actually read the paper, but I'm sure it was really interesting.

Only poor people are crazy. The rich are eccentric. -Lionel Luthor (Smallville)



"...saying that some evil sorcerer was sealed into the moon and some other things..."

No,that's Enel from One Piece.

Sorry but I had to do this joke.


I believe that this is the only Zelda game NOT to include Hyrule, Zelda OR Ganon, am I correct?

I'm LuvableBaka. I like to run around in circles! What do YOU like to do?


No, Link's Awakening didn't include any of that stuff. Except the final boss took the form of Ganon, but just because he was Link's worst fear.


The Moon is actually the moon of Termina, enchanted to fall by Majora's Mask through Skull Kid. Ganon was still sealed in the Sacred Realm in Hyrule, a parallel world.

-Platypus Man


Actually, while all this is going on in Termina, at that same time in Hyrule, Ganondorf escapes from the evil realm and without Link to stop Ganondorf, Hyrule is flooded and sealed away making way for the wind waker story.

Payback's a bitch ain't it - Russell Casse. ID4 (1996)


No, it's all about reflections of Hyrule. The skull kid in this case is probably a reflection of Ganondorf.. Majora's Mask a reflection of the triforce, perhaps.. The moon may even be a reflection of Ganon (that is if we are to assume Ganon and Ganondorf can be classified as two seperate entities).

Personally, I feel Ganondorf was like the Skull Kid. He was greedy, troublesome and came across a great power.. It manipulated them and in return, Ganondorf becomes this monster (ganon) and Majora gives life to the moon and drives it to suicide.

So again, I think it's all about the reflections. Termina is the mirror image of Hyrule. So in a way, one can say that the moon is "Ganon".



Actually, while all this is going on in Termina, at that same time in Hyrule, Ganondorf escapes from the evil realm and without Link to stop Ganondorf, Hyrule is flooded and sealed away making way for the wind waker story.

but thats on the adult side of the split timeline. On the child side, which MM occurs on, there never was a flood. Instead we have the events that lead up to Twilight Princess.


My take on the Moon is that it is a manifestation of Skull Kids consciousness. Hence the moons tear; Skull Kid is depressed and in his anger and despair chooses to end his life and Termina, the land that abandoned him. From the outside, the moon looks terrifying, insane, and evil. On the inside though, the moon is pretty and calm. Except for the masked children, who are all tormented by doubt. In the center is Majora's Mask, poisoning the Skull Kid's mind like a parasite. He say's something like, "let's play good guys and bad guys... you're the bad guy", which reflects Skull Kids belief that the world has turned against him. I think the children are younger versions of the Happy Mask Salesman because he was the catalyst for the Skull Kid finding Majora's Mask in the first place.
