MovieChat Forums > Zeruda no densetsu: Mujura no kamen (2000) Discussion > Any better or worse than Ocarina of Time...

Any better or worse than Ocarina of Time?

Is this game any better than Ocarina of Time??
I actually haven't played Majora's Mask.. but I really enjoyed Ocarina of Time.

They're called fingers, and yet they don't fing. - Franklin, The Critic


MM is indeed not as fun as OOT, but then again, which game is better than OOT? ;) This one is worth a try for those who want something new while a little bit the same.



I'm actually playing it daily. I just started last week. I loved Ocarina. It's without a doubt my favorite. But this one's pretty good too. Something about the scenery maybe, but what I like most about it is how you can transform. I don't like the 72 minute time limit. In Ocarina I would enjoy the temples, you know, not having to immediately finish before the moon crashes. I also like how even in Ocarina's time travel you can save your stuff. This one you can't. You lose progress. Depressed people you painstakingly made happy become depressed again. There are only four temples, compared to the 8, counting the Spiritual Stone places, in Ocarina. The bosses may even be a little more fun. I loved Goht, the psychotic, masked, mechanical (I want to say bull, but "goht"?) Some parts of this game may be just more fun. There are less enemies in this one, compared to the millions in Ocarina, with more puzzles. The storyline may even be more original. Now, I'm not sure, but aren't the other Zelda games revolving around Ganon somehow? Yes, even though no game can beat Ocarina, this one is most definately worth a try. You need a lot of patience though...


I think Majoras Mask is more like an expansion pak to OOT.
Four new temples, five new bosses, memorable characters (they don't reveal all but the milk bar guy looks like Talon, Romani looks like Malon, Honey and Darling like, well Honey and Darling)
It's a great game but like Saria said; You need a lot of patience though...


Darker and different and it deserves some credit because of this.
If you're into the Zelda series and want a new challenge then you're no doubt going to pick this up anyway.
Because of the race against time element this makes it uniquely different yet also a little harder than OoT.
I don't really understand why some people really hate Majora's Mask. If it was exactly the same as OoT then there'd be very little to make it stand out.


Yeah, it's more like an expansion pack, because arciteuthis102, in the beginning they refer to the same boy in Ocarina searching for his friend that parted with him, which I think is Navi. The temples are even like Ocarina's. Especially Stone Tower like the Spirit Temple because you do it twice. It's good, try it.


MM is more of the same, OoT was the original and best, plus i think it is bigger and has a better story to it. however, i never did finish MM and from what i remember of it, it started to be getting somewhere, i just found it harder, or maybe i didn`t put as much effort into it as i did OoT. OoT was the first game i ever completed by myself, without cheating.


Same here, but as most of you may know, I haven't gotten Romani's Mask therefore I can't beat the game the easy way. How's the final battle without Fierce Diety?


aparently, it`s a b*tch (i wouldn`t know, never got that far).


I BEAT IT!! Wow!



After reading all of your comparisons between these two game, and sharing your reviews, and thoughts, I went to the Gamestop to buy Majora's Mask. Unlike most videogamers (unlike the typical Nintendo 64 gamer, to be more specific), I keep the instruction booklet and box. The only versions the videogame store had were copies without either, so I didn't buy it. I'm one of those types of people that are very anal about that kinda detail. But I guess that's the reality of how it will be wherever I go because Nintendo 64 is a rather defunct system nowadays.

I so should have bought a new copy 2 years ago when I debating with myself as to whether I'd like it and it'd be worth it. Oh well.. just a videogame, I suppose. :-|

They're called fingers, and yet they don't fing. - Franklin, The Critic


Hey Markk311, isn't your quote from the Simpsons where they try to legalize marijuana? And Otto says it? Cuz they're high? You can buy them online cheap though, so that's good. I know what you mean, I keep the packets too!


Try eBay you can probably find an unopened Majora's Mask on there.


Both games are great, in fact, they're probably tied on my all time fave video game list. I think they're about equal, and have never been able to determine which one I like more.

Most would call me a moron and say OOT is better, but there's something about MM that appeals to me. Part of it may be the unique usage of time, part of it may be all the cool sidequests, part of it may be Ikana. Can't say why, but I love the Canyon.

A single spark can start a spectral fire.


Just a little note, each MM hour is about 28 seconds, not 60.

~If you do that again, I'm gonna make you eat through a straw, straw, straw!~



I think that MM 1 of those games were u have 2 look at everything 2 understand anything (although most Zelda games are like this) but, overall I like OoT cause u don't need everything in the game to win.


Um, you don't need everything in majora's mask to win either.


Ok, first of all I must say that OoT is my all-time favorite game and that it got as far as to even become a STAGE in my life.
So 2 years later MM came out, and I bought it right away in a trip to USA before it was even for sale in my country, Chile. My innitial impression? Dissapointment, just like 99% of the fans of OoT. But after I transformed back into Link and beat the first dungeon, and sort of got used to the concept, I enjoyed it almost as much as OoT.
Ok so there is a 72 hour limit, which you can make it slower if you play the song of time backwards so, in dungeons, it's not much of a problem. The real problem is that when you save, which means you have to go back in time to the first day, you "lose" your progress, in the sense that changes regarding YOU will remain, but what changed your sorroundings will be reversed back to its original state. This means a great loss regarding one of the great aspects of OoT, you could FEEL your progress as you played, and that encouraged you to keep playing.
However the good thing of this odd 72 hour limit, is that it gives a whole new world of options for the characters. Most of the side-quests regarding the bombers' notebook REQUIRE this 72 hour limit.

Regarding the story, it's a really annoying beginning. I mean you absolutely don't understand a thing of what's happening, and you're this pathetic deku scrub who can't do *beep*. But as I said before, as you progress in the game, that's when you really start enjoying.

The best part in the game? THE ENDING!!! Not the ending ONCE you beat the skull kid, but between when you arrive on the moon and when you get to face majora's mask.
It's absolutely gorgeous. First of all the 72 hour limit dissapears once you get on the moon. This part of the game has to be one of the most profound philosophy I've ever seen in a videogame. The moon sort of represents the mind of the skull kid, just an insecure boy full of interrogants, therefore unable to grow up. It's basically a reference to Antoine de Saint Exupéry's "The Little Prince". Not only the interrogants of the little kids wandering around in the moon are very similar, but in the book, the little prince (the skull kid in this case) also lived in its own planet.

Perhaps regarding the themes involved, this game is by far better and more mature than OoT. For example another thing that amazed me were the "song of healing" sequences in order to get certain masks. The concept of healing someone so that all his negative energy and depressing experiences are extracted and sealed into a mask, and thus leaving his soul pure in order to leave this world to live in his own mind-made paradise is just beautiful. Together with the song of healing itself, which is a great piece of music, it can really get me to tears when I think about how would MY mind-paradise be like.

Perhaps that's were Majora's Mask really shows off. It's a more serious game with deepest stories.
But the truth is that in the end, entertainment is what really matters, and though the side-quests were better and more ellaborated than in the OoT, the game had just too many weak points and probably that is what caused MM to be hated by so many.

Note that everyone who hasn't played this game must know that this game has NO argument unless the player has beaten OoT before.


Hello everyone. Regarding this question, am I the only one who appriciates MM more then Oot? Yes, I will admit that the story was astoundingly deeper in Oot and it was very revolutionary for the times, but I really do think that MM has a little more to say then Oot. In both, it is your classical save the world story. But in MM, the story is a little different. Gone are your lifelong friends, gone are the familiar surroundings, gone are the places you used to call home. It truely is an entirely different universe in MM. The 72-hour time limit is a big, "Why?", but in my opinion, it is also an ingenious concept. Besides, has anyone heard of the, "Inverted Song of Time"?. It turns Zelda into more of a strategy affair. In Oot you could take the dungeons at your own pace, solving 1 puzzle at a time, making sure to take one baby-step at a time. In MM, the dungeons are more of a conservationists affair, making each step count, to not mess up, doing each thing perfectly, and yet quickly at the same time. I think that this made MM more of a thinking man's Zelda. You couldn't miss with an arrow, you really couldn't mess up. Remember,you only have 3 days. While some people may dismiss the game on hearing this, I feel that this makes the dungeons as challenging or more challenging then Oot, despite the lack of dungeons in MM. The masks are just plain awesome and the graphics are georgeous. The enemies? MM's Eyegore is so much cooler than Ghoma Larva or Stalfos. The bosses, well let's just say that Odolwa kicks Ghoma's, Dodongo's, and Barinade's assorted mutant appendages. In conclusion, I would like to say that while Oot was brilliant and a great, no, astounding game, MM is one great piece of Zelda pie.


OoT's storyline is better, has a better climactic ending, MM has cooler weapons and extra features, namely masks, you can be a normal, Zora, Goron, Deku, or Fierce Diety (only when fighting a boss). I like the fact that you can fight bosses again if you feel like it - In OoT you can only battle Ganondorf/Ganon again. To level the playing field once again, one con about MM is that if your time runs out while solving a dungeon, you have to start all over again.


I like the fact that you can fight bosses again if you feel like it - In OoT you can only battle Ganondorf/Ganon again.

Yeah, I would've liked to have fought King Donodogo again, I usally kill Link at least once so I can.

But on the topic... They both are very good games... It is evident that Nintendo made some adjustments for this one... for one, Tatl is no where as NEAR as annoying as Navi.



i wouldnt say this is worse than Orcarina of Time but it just didnt live up to my expectations like Orcarina of Time did, but they are both unique in their own way.
