
what does the imdb trivia mean by this?

-Nearly every citizen of the world of Termina is the equal opposite of someone from Hyrule


Probably just that most of the denizens of Termina have Hyrulean counterparts. I'm sure what it means by "opposites" though, since most of them act similiar to their alternate incarnations.


For instance.....

1.Anju is actually the Cucco lady.
2.Romani and Cremia are actually Malon.
3.The guards guarding the exits in Clock Town are Hyrule Castle's guards.
4. The gang of little kids is actually the one kid who trudges around the graveyard.

What else...

5.The singer of the Indigo-gos is actually Adult Ruto.
6. The bartender at the Milk Bar is actually Talon.
7. The Indigo-go's manager is King Zora...
8. Ingo is the angry guy who wants business at the post office.

Well, that's all the similarities I can really think of...
I'm LuvableBaka. I like to run around in circles! What do YOU like to do?


I always saw it as the developers' excuse to not have to make a whole ton of new character models. Oh well, loved the game nonetheless.


I always saw it as the developers' excuse to not have to make a whole ton of new character models. Oh well, loved the game nonetheless.

That's most probably the case indeed. Majora's Mask came out relatively short after Ocarina of Time. So not only did they have little time, but they already had all the models ready to use. It sure saved them a hell of a lot of production time and cost.
Regardless, I have fond memories of this game and it will probably stay in my top5 of all time forever (mostly because I rarely pick up a new videogame these days)
