Good Movie Until ...

The Propaganda ending. I liked the movie quite a bit up until they sold out with the blame game at the end. I could have done without that propaganda. It would have done better without it.


I halfway agree with you.. it just didn't fit in with the rest of the script and the feel of the film (especially the ending), but also I ruined the detective ´s character completely for me, up until that point he was really likeable, but this ending just made him feel selfish and ignorant. Sucks, because other than that, the ending was actually kind of stunning and surprising. Would have been cool to see an emotional flash back from when she was stalling the shooter instead though, or if we actually found out who the father of her child was.

The message was pretty good, it was just presented really poorly and out place.


If the shooting was a random act of violence from a random kid for a random reason, why should we know who the father of her child was? I'd bet that the child was a random friend that she had random sex with. These are adolescents, and you can tell that the father was already out of the picture and no doubt someone that was never introduced in the movie.

Also, I don't see how OP can see this as propoganda. If it was propoganda, it would've given a reason for the shooting, or they would have sent Alicia to jail. The ending leaves more to be desired, which is absolutely perfect (and realistic) in my eyes. The movie was never about the shooter, so the movie makers didn't feel the need to expand on his story. However, the stories of the two main characters were told beautifully and completely. This movie is powerful because it explains what is important to the story of these women, but it purposely leaves out the other stuff that the viewer isn't supposed to understand.


As for the propoganda ending I am talking about is the part where they start blaming TV and video games as the reason why people shoot up places.


That was not propaganda, that was just the characters mentioning what other people blame when they were trying to find the real reason.. hardly propaganda.


It was propaganda that was put in the script by the script writers.
