Why Ana Left Home

During the film, it was mentioned that Ana had not revealed why she had left home. After the interview with Mom and Step-dad, I, and probably others, got a pretty good guess what that reason was. Step-dad announced that his daughter was still a virgin. When asked how he knew this, he replied that he knew from giving her baths. I don't know how many girls that age are still being bathed by a parent, or a step-father, but poking around inside the vagina, examining for an intact hymen seems a little suspicious to me. Not being a parent, I'm not real knowledgeable in this area, but it would seem to me that a parent would have taught the child how to wash themselves by this age, and that an intimate procedure such as this would be performed by a like-sex parent, preferably.
It sounded that it was quite likely that step-dad was doing a little more than bathing here, and running away from home would have been a logical solution for a confused and frightened young girl. Being a very embarassing situation, it's also something that she may not want to reveal to others either, especially if she may think, or have been made to believe, that it is somehow her fault. It's also a possible reason why she came back and snatched her brother too.


Sadly, I think you are right. The impression I got as I watched that scene was that her step-dad had been caught in a lie. Poor kids.


I got the same impression, as I'm sure many others did. I also agree with the fact that it is probably the reason she came back for her brother as well.

I just hope these kids are doing better now than they were while they were being filmed.

Men without men in mind


Not only does it seem suspicious to me that he found out she was still a virgin when he "bathed" her but I have to ask myself why he said that was the only thing that made him happy when she came back home. Why would he even care that she was still a virgin? Was it because he was grateful knowing that she hadn't been abused in that way when she was on the streets? I doubt it. He called her a psychopath and it was clear to me that he thought of her as a demon child. So, again, why was he so happy that she was still a virgin when it was clear he didn't even think of her as his own daughter? Think about it.

A superhero never reveals their true identity


that step dad should surely be arrested regarding that "virgin" remark ... howI understand it, especially that I live in Romania, he at least fingered her !!!


Seems unlikely since he was not enthusiastic about her returning home. Other cultures are a lot more matter-of-fact about these subjects


Another thing is that the mother and step dad both seemed to be encouraging Ana to choose to go back to Bucharest. The mother was remarkably cavalier about her 10 year old and even younger son being away from her. It was all remarkably and savagely matter of fact. You want to go? Then go!

Wow, and even aferward she kept repeating she would run away--it kept ocurring to me it was what she wanted, that she did not want her kids with her.

Moisture is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of beauty.
