One thing I don't get..

The whole darn movie.
Just. It's. I. It.
The stsorryory. Plot holes. I give it one star for acting, one for music, one for camera work. Just got to the end this song is cheap 90's garbage.
The rich lawyer wants his file. The poor man wants a loan. Hmm. Oh duh.
The rich lawyer needs to find this guy he crashed into a few hours earlier. Drive by the accident get his plate.
Sam Jackson behind bars explains to his wife a completely believable sorry, wife exclaims "you want me to believe you?" Why not?
Sam J hurries to children's school thinking they're hurt. They're fine. Just say someone lied to me ok bye.
Peets scene with two strands of hair is annoying.
Nothing in this movie makes any sense to me. Normal Americans would never ever let this problem escalate.
A simple explanation here. A polite honest aanswer there and everyone in the world has solved this sorry script on the second page.


i said the same thing about the license.

[green]I'm your daddy and what do I do?[/green ]


normal americans! did you ever meet one?

i mostly will not be able to answer your reply, since marissa mayer hacked my email, no notification
