Doyle Gipson (SPOILERS)

This character had no one to blame but himself, just like his ex-wife said in one scene.

The scene where he attacked those two white men - yeah they were coming at him, but only because he started on them first, they weren't justified, but neither was he, if he'd have minded his own business and didn't speak to them, that incident wouldn't have happened. But like his sponsor said - he was addicted to chaos, so no matter how you look at his situation and circumstances and no matter what excuses you make for him, he was all about chaos, point blank period.

It was terrible when Gavin left him on the road like that, but things got worse for Doyle when he decided not to do the right thing, when he did attempt to do the right thing it was too late and he got bankrupt, if Doyle had decided to do the right thing continuously since the fender bender, things wouldn't have got really bad for him. Not excusing Gavin's behaviour, i'm gonna get to him in the next post lol

