Funniest part

"If I supply the peaches, will you boys supply the cream?" that was hilarious and afterwards, the guys reactions to it was so damn funny.


I concur. The overt sex puns in general were hilarious in this.


The funniest part was when the grandma was singing the "dosey doh" song, and then the song suddenly became dark and really stupid. I loved it!


The entire movie was funny. It is a dark comedy.


Lol'd at the part when the black chef offered Malcolm the watermelon.

I am Jack's smirking revenge.


It's got to be when granny Boone says "Ricky on a sticky", that scene was as dark as coal and funny at the same time :)


"Where all the black folk hang out?"

"Over on that tree down yonder..."


Death by Moonshine...

"Your mother puts license plates in your underwear? How do you sit?!"


For me, the funniest part was during the hoedown when Granny Boone said "Golden China girl, cute butt. Woo-hoo! Perky little breasts. Yeah! Mm, I want one." It was so random and unexpected which made it all the more hilarious.
